This is a real world practice to improve MLOPS and ML engigneering skills. The objective it to build a ML system for the crypto price prediction problem. Even if i've writen 70% of the code in this repository (me and my LLM friend) to ensure I learn the topics, I must say that the original repostitory has been a guide in the 99% of the steps, it is here
- docker
- redpanda(Kafka)
- quixtreams
- hopsworks
- comet
- Build independent Microservices
- Deal with streaming data and kafka topics
- RESTAPI and WebsocketAPI conections
- Pushing and retrieving topics to and from the feature store
- dockerize real-time feature pipeline
- dockerize backfill pipeline
- build a training pipeline
- feature engineering
- improve the model with CV hiperparamenter tuning ...