Oxalis-AS4 5.5.0 Release
- Bump Oxalis to 5.5 (OxalisCommunity/oxalis@v5.4.0...v5.5.0)
- Bump cxf to 3.5.5 fixing #198 and Dependabot alerts (https://github.com/OxalisCommunity/Oxalis-AS4/security/dependabot/1 and https://github.com/OxalisCommunity/Oxalis-AS4/security/dependabot/2)
- Bump wss4j to 2.4.1
- Bump Peppol specification to 1.1.0
- Add dependency for soap api and saaj impl to fix nullpointer error
- Excluded conflicting libraries
Full Changelog: v5.4.0...v5.5.0
NOTE: If you are using Oxalis 5.5.0/Oxalis-AS4 5.5.0 and you are compiling source on Java 8, then download attached "dummy.zip" and place it's content in \oxalis-5.5.0\oxalis-test\src\main\resources\dummy . This will fix certification expiration issue.