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Ibby edited this page Apr 4, 2018 · 1 revision

Welcome to the hours wiki! Eventually this will be super well organised, for now I'll highlight the todos, user stories, and project structure in this page.

User stories

  • As a user I can view a feed of most recent hours contributed
  • As a user I can view a public profile for other users
  • As a user I can view a public profile for projects or organisations
  • As a user I can create an account
  • As a user with an account I can log in
  • As a logged in user I can log hours contributed to a Project or Organisation
  • As a logged in user I can "spend" hours on goods or services provided by a project or organisation
  • As a logged in user I can send hours to other users
  • As a logged in user who is a key member of an organisation I can create a product or service for other users to spend hours on
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