An application that can be used to benchmark the speed improvements of the SpeedfonyBundle.
This application (and the SpeedfonyBenchmarkingBundle) are not set up as composer packages.
You will have to follow the steps below to install the benchmark application.
git clone
cd SpeedfonyBenchmarkingApp
composer update
php composer.phar update
Depending on how you have composer installed.
Create a blank database and configure a user with sufficient permissions to create tables, read and write.
Set up your app/config/parameters.yml file using the user and database you have just configured.
php app/console doctrine:schema:create
php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
If you have the following phpunit you can check that the application has been setup correctly by running the functional test.
phpunit -c app/
If you're using apache, add a directive similar to the one below to your virtual host configuration file.
FastCgiServer /path/to/symfony/web/app.fcgi
To get the best performance, you should use the processes option to configure several worker threads.
The route '/random-page' is configured to load a random page from the database.