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noCanren is translator from subset of OCaml to OCanren.
noCanren can be installing using opam:
opam pin add noCanren -y
To run the tests, you should install OCanren manually.
Available syntax of OCaml subset:
S = x, y, z (Variables)
| fun x -> S (Abstaction)
| S S (Application)
| false, 1, 2.0, '3', "4", etc. (Constant)
| (S, S) (Pair)
| C (S1, ..., Sn) (Constructor)
| not, (&&), (||), (==), (<>) (Boolean functions)
| let f x1 ... xn = S in S (Let-binding)
| let rec f x1 ... xn = S in S (Recursive let-binding)
| if S then S else S (If-then-else)
| pattern matching (Pattern matching)
Available patterns for pattern matching:
P = _ (Wildcard)
| x, y, z (Variables)
| (P, P) (Pairs)
| C (P1, ..., Pn) (Constructors)
Patterns must be disjunct.
Pattern matching can be used in the following form:
match S with
| P1 -> S1
| P2 -> S2
| Pn -> Sn
noCanren <options> <input-file>
Available options:
-o <file> Set output file name to <file>
-high-order-mode Switch to high-order mode
-unnesting-mode Switch to unnesting mode
-without-activate-tactics Disable activate tactic (only for high-order mode)
-non-deterministic-activate-tactic Use non-deterministic activate tactic (only for high-order mode)
-deterministic-activate-tactic Use deterministic activate tactic (only for high-order mode)
-use-call-by-need Use call-by-need extension of high-order mode (only for high-order mode)
-need-polymorphism For supporting of polymorphism (only for unnesting mode)
-without-false For simplified logical relational (only for unnesting mode)
-standart-bool Enable standart bool relations (only for unnesting mode)
-without-beta-reduction Disable beta-redactions after conversion (for both modes)
-without-normalization Disable normalization after conversion (for both modes)
-not-move-unifications Don't move unifications and disequality constrains after conversion (for both modes)
-leave-constuctors Conversion is without lawercase-renaming of constructors (for both modes)
-subst-only-util-vars Use beta-reduction only for additional variables (for both modes)
-spec-tree <file> Set output file name for specialization tree to <file>
-show-result Show result of conversion in terminal
-help Display this list of options