pb-StarPhase v0.9.0
This release primarily releases a beta version of the CYP2D6 caller for whole genome sequence datasets (targeted data support is planned for a future release). CYP2D6 is the most complicated gene in the pb-StarPhase call set. If you encounter any complicated diplotypes that you think pb-StarPhase is calling incorrect, please open an issue so we can resolve it!
- Added the ability to store CYP2D6 variant information from PharmVar in our database
- Released an updated database with CYP2D6 information
- Added the ability to call CYP2D6 using the updated database and an aligned BAM file for WGS datasets
- Added a CLI option to output realigned CYP2D6 segments to a small BAM file for IGV viewing and debugging
- The version of pb-StarPhase is now recorded as the
in the output JSON
Special thanks to @jrharting, @xiao-chen-xc, and @PB-DB for assisting in formulating the CYP2D6 caller!