My very intent was to create a webapp which use the public GTFS data files to represent stops and departure times of the Budapest Transport Center(BKK) system. Also I use this project to learn some important framework and improve my programming skills.
The application actually has two main function:
- Search by coordinates, location name, user click in a specified radius.
- Show actual departure times in each stop for each transport vehicle in a specified radius.
The data come from the official website: and the downloader service can download automatically the archive, this service is bind on a thread which check the new versions. This version supports only the Budapest public transport GTFS, see more in features.
- check, this contains the utility params for the app, in order to run properly please check before start.
- stop_times file is huge(sometimes can contains 5m row), which means the inserts can take a lot of time, so don't be surpised.
- the gtfs-dataset process can be take 1 hour or more.
- in order to run the project you need your own google api key, for dev, is free, here you can get one:
- Because this version download archive from BKK's official website, this might be usefull, if you have truble with certificate: "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool" -import -trustcacerts -file "<your_certi's_location>" -alias tomcat -keystore "%JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\security\cacerts"
- JDK8
- Apache tomcat 8.5
- PostgreSQL 9.6
Further development, features:
- Integrate more GTFS archive in order to increase the service coverage.
- More analitic function, like service overlap, statictics about routes stops etc.
- Mobile version
- Tests, tests, tests