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A C# based AD FS external auth provider to enable Mobile ID authentications


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Microsoft AD FS - MobileID MFA Integration

GitHub release

MobileID for AD FS enables Multi-Factor-Authentication (MFA) capabilities for users that are logging on using Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS).

You can install the MobileID MFA Adapter on a single AD FS instance. If you have an AD FS farm deployment, you will need to install MobileID MFA Adapter on all AD FS instances in the farm to enable MFA.

Table of Contents

System Requirement

A Mobile ID Account is required. Please check the following points before you continue with this tutorial:

  • Read the Mobile ID Reference Guide chapter 2 and 8
  • You got your unique AP_ID (Application Provider Identifier) from Swisscom
  • You have created a PFX file (PKCS#12 / private key / with a .p12 file extension) according to chapter 8. In this tutorial it is referred as YourMobileIdKeyFile.p12
  • You have created a CRT-file (X509 Cert / public key) and wrote down the value of the thumbprint (sometimes called fingerprint). In this tutorial that value is required for the SslMidClientCertThumbprint configuration in the myconfig13.xml. To get a SHA1 fingerprint: $ openssl x509 -in YourMobileIdCrtFile.crt -fingerprint -noout
  • The source IP address (or range) of your AD FS server (or the proxy) has been whitelisted on the Mobile ID Firwall (IP whitelist)

Runtime Environment

Installer v1.3.x

  • Works with Microsoft Windows Server 2016, 2019, 2022

Installer v1.2.x

  • Works with Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2

Build Environment

If you don't want to build from source code, the compiled binaries and a setup program can be downloaded from the binaries subfolder.

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 (which includes Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8.*)
  • The file Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.dll. The DLL file can be copied from a Microsoft Windows Server instance.
  • InnoSetup if you want to rebuild the setup program

Runtime Installation - Full Tutorial

For this tutorial we use a Windows Server 2022 instance from Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) to build an environment from scratch to demo Mobile ID MFA using AD FS.

Tutorial Overview

Step 1: Create Windows Server Instance
Step 2: Install AD Domain
Step 3: Install ADFS Core
Step 4: Add Test User
Step 5: Install MID/ADFS Enabler
Step 6: Setup MID Certs
Step 7: Login with MID

Step 1: Create Windows Server Instance

Create a new Amazon Machine Image (AMI) Windows Server instance

If you are not familiar with Amazon EC2, please read their GetStarted Tutorial.

  • Select Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Base (Datacenter edition) as Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
  • Select instance type. We recommend t3.large as a start.
  • Create a VPC, enable Auto Public IP
  • Create a SecurityGroup and make sure your source IP address is whitelisted in the inbound RDP rule
  • Create and associate an Elastic IP Address (EIP) and make sure this IP address has been whitelisted on the Mobile ID Firewall.
  • Select allow dissassociate.
  • Click the Connect Button, select RDP client and download the remote desktop file to your Desktop
  • Click Get password, select your key pair and write down the Windows password

Note: You can anytime stop or start an instance, which helps to keep costs low. Only run the instance when it is really used.

Connect to the Windows Server instance

  • On your Desktop, start the Remote Desktop Client and load the RDP Profile
  • In the RDP Client, adjust the Screen Resolution
  • In the RDP Client, select your local drive (gain access to local files)
  • Save the changes to your local remote desktop file
  • Connect to the Windows Server and login with the password retrieved in step above

Basic configuration

  • Adjust the timezone of your Windows Server
  • Adjust the region format
  • Open Server Manager -> Local Server: Disable IE Enhanced Security Configuration
  • Copy file from your local disk to the Windows Server's C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads.

You need at least these files:

Please adapt the myconfig13.xml as you wish. At least the following parameters must be changed to match your own account and key details:

  • AP_ID (Application Provider Identifier - you will usually get this information with the Swisscom welcome email)
  • SslMidClientCertThumbprint (the SHA1 thumbprint of your account's public certificate: $ openssl x509 -in YourMobileIdCrtFile.crt -fingerprint -noout)
  • DtbsPrefix (DataToBeSigned prefix text - you will usually get this information with the Swisscom welcome email)

Verify the connectivity to Mobile ID API

You can either use Internet Explorer to try to connect to (which should return a 404/PageNotFound) or you can use the PowerShell Script Get-RemoteSSLCertificate.ps1:

cd "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\"
Set-Content -Encoding Byte -Value $cert.Export('Cert')

Now check if the file has been created by the script. If it exists it means the connectivity worked. Also check if the certificate is valid (open the file).

Note: There are also other critical connectivity requirements such as

Step 2: Install AD Domain

$secpass=ConvertTo-SecureString "pass@word1" -AsPlainText -Force
Install-WindowsFeature -Name AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools
import-module ADDSDeployment
Install-ADDSForest -DomainName "contoso.intern" -InstallDNS -SafeModeAdministratorPassword $secpass

This will ask you to reboot the System.

Step 3: Install ADFS Core

The ADFS Service will run in the context of a GMSA Account. Create a GSMA Account:

Add-KdsRootKey -EffectiveTime ((get-date).addhours(-10))
New-ADServiceAccount FsGmsa -DNSHostName adfs1.contoso.intern -ServicePrincipalNames http/adfs1.contoso.intern

For ADFS to work, we need a Certificate. The following lines create a self signed certificate with the required Subject Name and Subject Alternative Names.

$selfSignedCert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName adfs1.contoso.intern,enterpriseregistration.contoso.intern,adfs1.contoso.intern -CertStoreLocation cert:\LocalMachine\My
$certThumbprint = $selfSignedCert.Thumbprint
dir Cert:\LocalMachine\My

Install the self-signed certificate to have the required trust:

  • Run mmc.exe
  • Add snap-in Certificates (Computer)
  • Go to Certificates>Personal>Certificates
  • Right-click on adfs1.contoso.intern and select export
  • Double-click the exported adfs1.contoso.intern.cer and install it to Local Machine

Install ADFS Federation:

Install-WindowsFeature -IncludeManagementTools -Name ADFS-Federation
Import-Module ADFS
Install-AdfsFarm -CertificateThumbprint $certThumbprint -FederationServiceDisplayName "Contost ADFS Test" -GroupServiceAccountIdentifier "contoso.intern\FsGmsa$" -FederationServiceName "adfs1.contoso.intern"
Set-AdfsProperties -EnableIdpInitiatedSignonPage $true

In the internal DNS Service of AD, configure the following A Record and a CNAME. Please replace the IP accordingly.

$ipAdress = ""
Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA -Name "adfs1" -ZoneName "contoso.intern" -AllowUpdateAny -IPv4Address $ipAdress -TimeToLive 01:00:00
Add-DnsServerResourceRecordCName -Name "enterpriseregistration" -HostNameAlias "adfs1.contoso.intern" -ZoneName "contoso.intern"

At this point we have the basic ADFS Demo Setup (without MID/ADFS Authentication Provider) completed.

Step 4: Add Test User

  • Run Server Manager -> Tools -> Active Directory Users and Computers
  • Go to contoso.intern -> Users -> right-click and select New -> User
  • Set First- and Last name, User logon name, click next
  • Set password and only select Password never expires, finish
  • Double-click User and select Telephones-register
  • Set a Mobile phone number that has an active MobileID account! It works in the format +41-79 xxx xx xx.

Step 5: Install MID/ADFS Enabler

Run midadfs_setup_1.3.*.exe (as admin). Check Logs in Event Viewer and in C:\Program Files (x86)\MobileIdAdfs\v1.3\inst.

Make sure, the it became available in ADFS Management Console:

Get-AdfsAuthenticationProvider -Name MobileID13

Enable MFA in ADFS, Run "Server Manager" -> "Tools" -> "AD FS Management"

  • AD FS Management: AD FS -> Service -> Authentication Methods -> Edit Mulit-factor Authentication Methods -> Select Mobile ID Authenticator v1.3
  • AD FS Management: AD FS -> Relying Party Trusts -> Add Relying Party Trust...
  • Select Claims aware
  • Select Enter data about the relying party manually
  • Display name
  • Select only Enable support for the SAML 2.0 WebSSO protocol and set value
  • Next, add as Relying party trust identifier!
  • Next, select Permit everyone and require MFA
  • Once finished, open it again and go to Endpoints-tab and edit the SAML endpoint to set Binding to Redirect (to

Note: The steps above are for simple demo purposes only!

Copy the Swisscom Root CA certificates to the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\MobileIdAdfs\v1.3\certs

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\MobileIdAdfs\v1.3\certs\sdcs-root2.crt
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\MobileIdAdfs\v1.3\certs\sdcs-root4.crt

Load the MID/ADFS configuration file myConfig13.xml.

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\MobileIdAdfs\v1.3"
.\import_config.ps1 "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\myConfig13.xml"

Step 6: Setup MID Certs

Right-click your SSL Client certificate file

  • Install PFX
  • Local Machine
  • Click Next twice
  • Enter passphrase
  • Automatically select the certificate store based on the type of certificate
  • Click Next and finish

Only if AP Client Cert is self-signed, do this:

  • Run mmc.exe
  • Add/Remove Snap-in…, select Certificates
  • snap-ins panel, click Add > Computer account, click Next, Finish
  • Local Computer; right-click Trusted People, navigate to All Task, then Import,
  • this opens the Certificate Import Wizard; clicks next,
  • locate the PFX file in File to Import, next, enter passphrase
  • automatically select the certificate store based on the type of certificate
  • clicks next twice, finish

IMPORTANT: Always run mmc.exe as Administrator to import the certs into LocalMachine (the certmgr.msc imports to CurrentUser only)

Give ADFS Service Account the required access to the client certificate If winhttpcertcfg is not in the path, you might find it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\. If you do not already have the WinHttpCertCfg.exe tool on your Windows Server, download and install it from Microsoft.

Please change the subject (in the example below it is according to your own client certificate subject. Please change the user (in the example below it is contoso\fsgmsa$) according to your own server user.

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools"
.\winhttpcertcfg.exe -g -c LOCAL_MACHINE\My -s -a contoso\\fsgmsa$

Step 7: Login with MID

Finally, open the Internet Browser (Ms Edge) and visit: https://adfs1.contoso.intern/adfs/ls/IdpInitiatedSignon.aspx

You should be able to select and then enter the test user credentials. This should invoke a Mobile ID authentication request to the phone number configured for this test user.

Operational Tasks

Mapping of user attributes

Mobile ID authentication provider need to retrieve the mobile ID of the user once the user has been identified with the primary authentication. The current release relies on the following LDAP attributes in Active Directory:

  • userPrincipleName: this is the username that the user authenticates with the primary authentication. Example:
  • mobile: a telephone number to which the Mobile ID authentication message will be sent to. Example: +41791234567 or 41791234567.
  • serialNumber: (only when the config parameter UserSerialNumberPolicy has a non-default value) the serial number of the user. Example: MIDCHE0123456789

For Mobile ID authentication, userPrincipleName and mobile must be defined.

Configuration change

If you have modified a configuration file, say C:\midadfs\v1.3\MobileId.Adfs.AuthnAdapter.xml, after installation, you need re-import the config file into ADFS with PowerShell and restart the and restart the Active Directory Federation Services and any dependent services:

Import-AdfsAuthenticationProviderConfigurationData -FilePath "C:\midadfs\v1.3\MobileId.Adfs.AuthnAdapter.xml" -Name "MobileID13"
net stop drs
net stop adfssrv
net start adfssrv
net start drs

Uninstallation of the binaries

If you have installed Mobile ID authentication provider with the setup program, you can uninstall it via Control Panel > Uninstall program.

If you have installed Mobile ID authentication provider without a setup program, you can uninstall it as follows:

  1. In ADFS Management Console, unselect Mobile ID Authentication from any configured Multi-factor authentications.

  2. Unregister the Mobile ID Authentication Provider from ADFS: In Windows PowerShell prompt, enter Unregister-AdfsAuthenticationProvider MobileID

  3. Restart ADFS service and dependent services.

  4. Remove all DLLs of Mobile ID Authentication Providers from GAC: If gacutil.exe is available in your runtime environment, you can also remove the DLL from GAC with gacutil.exe /u MobileId.Adfs.AuthnAdapter (repeat it for all DLLs installed earlier).

  5. If you don't want to keep the Mobile ID logs in Windows Event Log: Close Windows Event Viewer. In Windows Command Prompt, enter

    wevtutil.exe um C:\midadfs\v1.3\lib\
    wevtutil.exe um C:\midadfs\v1.3\lib\
    del /Q C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs\Swisscom-MobileID-*.*


Unless otherwise specified, an binary upgrade is an uninstallation of the binaries, followed by the installation of Mobile ID Authentication Provider (step 3).


Windows Event Log

The Analytic and/or Debug channels Application and Services\Swisscom\MobileID\* can be enabled / disabled on demand. Alternatively, PerfView can be used to capture the logging events written by Mobile ID Authentication Provider on demand.

Trace files

The logging / tracing of Mobile ID Authentication Provider can also be controlled via the dotNet tracing configuration mechanism. The configuration file is shared with configuration file ADFS service, which is located in C:\Windows\ADFS\Microsoft.IdentityServer.ServiceHost.exe.config. Mobile ID Authentication Provider writes tracing messages to MobileId.WebClient and MobileId.Adfs.AuthnAdapter. You can modify the configuration file to enable / adjust tracing messages of Mobile ID Authentication Provider.

The sample configuration segment write all tracing messages to Windows Event Log and the files C:\midadfs\MobileIdClient.log, C:\midadfs\MobileIdAdfs.log.

    <!--  The next setting specifies the "global" logging severity threshold. In order of decreasing verbosity,
          the value can be one of "All", "Verbose", "Information", "Warning", "Error", "Critical", "None".
    <add name="MobileId.WebClient.TraceSeverity" value="All"/>
    <add name="MobileId.Adfs.TraceSeverity" value="All"/>

    <source name="MobileId.WebClient" switchName="MobileId.WebClient.TraceSeverity" switchType="System.Diagnostics.SourceSwitch">
        <remove name="Default"/>
        <!-- This listener writes to Windows Event Log (Log=Application, EventSource="MobileID") -->
        <add name="eventLog" type="System.Diagnostics.EventLogTraceListener" initializeData="MobileID">
          <filter type="System.Diagnostics.EventTypeFilter" initializeData="Information" />
        <!-- This listeners appends to a file for debugging purpose -->
        <add name="logfile" type="System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener" initializeData="C:\midadfs\MobileIdClient.log">
          <filter type="System.Diagnostics.EventTypeFilter" initializeData="All"/>
    <source name="MobileId.Adfs.AuthnAdapter" switchName="MobileId.Adfs.TraceSeverity" switchType="System.Diagnostics.SourceSwitch">
        <remove name="Default"/>
        <!-- This listener writes to Windows Event Log (Log=Application, EventSource="MobileID.Adfs") -->
        <add name="eventLog" type="System.Diagnostics.EventLogTraceListener" initializeData="MobileID.Adfs">
          <filter type="System.Diagnostics.EventTypeFilter" initializeData="Information" />
        <!-- This listens appends to a file for debugging purpose -->
        <add name="logfile" type="System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener" traceOutputOptions="ProcessId,ThreadId,DateTime" initializeData="C:\midadfs\MobileIdAdfs.log">
          <filter type="System.Diagnostics.EventTypeFilter" initializeData="All"/>
  <trace autoflush="true" indentsize="2"></trace>

The private key is not accessible

While you set up your certificates, you could get errors regarding the access to the private key or be asked to do it with another user. Here are some hints to correct it:

  • Confirm your certificate and your key are present on the device.
  • Try to use the WinHttpCertCfg with the direct path to the PFX-file: ".\winhttpcertcfg.exe -i -c "C:\YourMobileIdKeyFile.pfx" -s -c -a contoso\\fsgmsa$"
  • Validate and confirm where the keys are saved and by which user. You can use tools such as FindPrivateKey.
  • Try re-importing the keys from scratch.

New sources in the Windows EventLog

In order to create new sources in the Windows EventLog, you could need additional permission to read all the event logs and ensure the source name is unique. An administrator permission can be granted temporarily to the service account.

Installation of the Build Environment

  1. Check out the source code from here to your development PC, for example, folder H:\midadfs (subfolders are Service and AuthnAdapter).

  2. Copy the file Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.dll from a Windows 2012 R2 server which has the role Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) installed. By default, the DLL file is located in C:\Windows\ADFS on your server. The DLL file should be copied to the folder of the project AuthnAdapter. In the example above, it is H:\midadfs\AuthnAdapter.

  3. Create your own assembly-signing key mobileid.snk, either in visual studio (right-click a project > Properties > Signing > Sign the assembly > create new key), or with command line (sn.exe -k 2048 mobileid.snk). Place it in the folder where the *.sln file is located (H:\midadfs in the example).

The solution should be ready to build now. Each project folder has a README file which briefly describes the project. The target audience is developer.


A C# based AD FS external auth provider to enable Mobile ID authentications







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  • C# 89.3%
  • PowerShell 8.0%
  • Inno Setup 1.6%
  • Other 1.1%