This is a group of sample apps that I use to build demos. Check the history to get an idea of when each was used last.
This is a quick sample to deploy a web server in a replicaset with a loadbalancer. You can use it as a quick first test that covers end to end networking and scale up / down.
(This assumes Windows Server version 1803, there are samples for other versions as well in this folder)
- Create the deployment with
kubectl apply -f iis/iis-1803.yaml
- Wait for the service to have an IP by checking
kubectl get svc
repeatedly - Visit
http://<external ip>
- Scale it up with
kubectl scale deploy/iis-1803 --replicas=2
If you are on a node in the cluster, you can check them all with
kubectl get pods -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.status.podIP}{"\n"}{end}' | xargs -n1 curl > /dev/null
This is based on the samples from, specifically . It's a straightforward Razor based application that uses SQL or SQLite for the backing database. The appconfig.json
in this repo is preconfigured for SQLLite so that only a single container is needed. You can use this to test persistent volume claims by mapping a PV to c:\data.
You can build and test this on a Windows 10 machine with Docker for Windows installed. No development tools are needed since the build is run inside a container.
Build it - docker build --pull -t razorpagesmovie .
- Alternatively you could
docker pull patricklang/razorpagesmovie:aspnet-2.0.5-nanoserver-1709
instead, and use that in the following steps
Test it - docker run --name razorpagesmovie --rm -it -p 8000:80 razorpagesmovie
, then browse to (
Try it with a local volume - docker run --name razorpagesmovie --rm -it -p 8000:80 -v $PWD\data:c:\app\data\ razorpagesmovie
. Browse to it, make some changes, then try it again. Changes are persisted, and you can see the SQLite database file at .\data\MvcMovie.db on your machine.
TODO - the volume steps aren't done yet
kubectl create -f movies.yaml
This demo includes Visual Studio projects, and needs the following to build:
- Docker for Windows
- Visual Studio 2017
It's currently maintained in the patricklang/fabrikamfiber repo.
This was presented in a hands-on workshop at Kubecon - video and slides are available.
HyperVExamples has more details on how to enable the alpha Hyper-V support in Kubernetes 1.10 and later. It includes examples of deploying the same app that was built for 3 different OS versions. Without Hyper-V isolation, only one of the three will work. With Hyper-V isolation, all 3 can run side by side on Windows Server version 1803.
- Greg Bayer has a good blog post on Moving FIles from one Git Repository to Another, Preserving History which I used to seed this repo with just the sample code, instead of the full .Net doc set :)