Abstraction over common javascript date management libraries.
The project expose abstraction interface over luxon, date-fns v2, dayjs and moment. Which can be easily used by any ui date or time components to use the same date management lib as user's project use.
That simplifies timezones management, makes your code return exactly the same type that user expect and work with specific calendar systems (e.g. Jalali calendar)
Library | Downloads |
@date-io/date-fns | |
@date-io/moment | |
@date-io/luxon | |
@date-io/dayjs | |
@date-io/jalaali | |
@date-io/hijri |
import LuxonAdapter from "@date-io/luxon";
import DateFnsAdapter from "@date-io/date-fns";
const dateFns = new DateFnsAdapter();
const luxon = new LuxonAdapter({ locale: "fr" }); // pass french locale
const initialLuxonDate = luxon.date("2018-10-28T11:44:00.000Z");
const initialDateFnsDate = dateFns.date("2018-10-28T11:44:00.000Z");
const updatedLuxonDate = luxon.addDays(initialLuxonDate, 2);
const updatedDateFnsDate = dateFns.addDays(initialDateFnsDate, 2);
luxon.format(updatedLuxonDate, "fullDateTime24h"); // "2018, octobre 30 11:44"
dateFns.format(updatedLuxonDate, "fullDateTime24h"); // "2018, October 30th 11:44"
Implemented interface for now. If you can not find needed method please let us know and we will add it!
export interface DateIOFormats<TLibFormatToken = string> {
/** Localized full date, useful for accessibility @example "January 1st, 2019" */
fullDate: TLibFormatToken;
/** Date format string with month and day of month @example "01 January" */
normalDate: TLibFormatToken;
/** Date format string with weekday, month and day of month @example "Wed, Jan 1st" */
normalDateWithWeekday: TLibFormatToken;
/** Shorter day format @example "1 January" */
shortDate: TLibFormatToken;
/** Year format string @example "2019" */
year: TLibFormatToken;
/** Month format string @example "January" */
month: TLibFormatToken;
/** Short month format string @example "Jan" */
monthShort: TLibFormatToken;
/** Short month format string @example "January 2018" */
monthAndYear: TLibFormatToken;
/** Month with date format string @example "January 1st" */
monthAndDate: TLibFormatToken;
/** Day format string @example "12" */
dayOfMonth: TLibFormatToken;
/** Hours format string @example "11" */
hours12h: TLibFormatToken;
/** Hours format string @example "23" */
hours24h: TLibFormatToken;
/** Minutes format string @example "59" */
minutes: TLibFormatToken;
/** Seconds format string @example "59" */
seconds: TLibFormatToken;
/** Full time localized format string @example "11:44 PM" for US, "23:44" for Europe */
fullTime: TLibFormatToken;
/** Not localized full time format string @example "11:44 PM" */
fullTime12h: TLibFormatToken;
/** Not localized full time format string @example "23:59" */
fullTime24h: TLibFormatToken;
/** Date & time format string with localized time @example "2018, Jan 1st 11:44 PM" */
fullDateTime: TLibFormatToken;
/** Not localized date & Time format 12h @example "2018, Jan 1st 11:44 PM" */
fullDateTime12h: TLibFormatToken;
/** Not localized date & Time format 24h @example "2018, Jan 1st 23:44" */
fullDateTime24h: TLibFormatToken;
/** Localized keyboard input friendly date format @example "2019/01/01" */
keyboardDate: TLibFormatToken;
/** Localized keyboard input friendly date/time format @example "2019/01/01 23:44" */
keyboardDateTime: TLibFormatToken;
/** Not Localized keyboard input friendly date/time 12h format @example "2019/01/01 11:44 PM" */
keyboardDateTime12h: TLibFormatToken;
/** Not localized keyboard input friendly date/time 24h format @example "2019/01/01 23:44" */
keyboardDateTime24h: TLibFormatToken;
export interface IUtils<TDate> {
formats: DateIOFormats<any>;
locale?: any;
moment?: any;
dayjs?: any;
// constructor (options?: { formats?: DateIOFormats, locale?: any, instance?: any });
date(value?: any): TDate | null;
toJsDate(value: TDate): Date;
parse(value: string, format: string): TDate | null;
getCurrentLocaleCode(): string;
is12HourCycleInCurrentLocale(): boolean;
/** Returns user readable format (taking into account localized format tokens), useful to render helper text for input (e.g. placeholder). For luxon always returns empty string. */
getFormatHelperText(format: string): string;
isNull(value: TDate | null): boolean;
isValid(value: any): boolean;
getDiff(value: TDate, comparing: TDate | string): number;
isEqual(value: any, comparing: any): boolean;
isSameDay(value: TDate, comparing: TDate): boolean;
isSameMonth(value: TDate, comparing: TDate): boolean;
isSameYear(value: TDate, comparing: TDate): boolean;
isSameHour(value: TDate, comparing: TDate): boolean;
isAfter(value: TDate, comparing: TDate): boolean;
isAfterDay(value: TDate, comparing: TDate): boolean;
isAfterYear(value: TDate, comparing: TDate): boolean;
isBeforeDay(value: TDate, comparing: TDate): boolean;
isBeforeYear(value: TDate, comparing: TDate): boolean;
isBefore(value: TDate, comparing: TDate): boolean;
isWithinRange(value: TDate, range: [TDate, TDate]): boolean;
startOfMonth(value: TDate): TDate;
endOfMonth(value: TDate): TDate;
startOfWeek(value: TDate): TDate;
endOfWeek(value: TDate): TDate;
addDays(value: TDate, count: number): TDate;
addMonths(value: TDate, count: number): TDate;
startOfDay(value: TDate): TDate;
endOfDay(value: TDate): TDate;
format(value: TDate, formatKey: keyof DateIOFormats): string;
formatByString(value: TDate, formatString: string): string;
formatNumber(numberToFormat: string): string;
getHours(value: TDate): number;
setHours(value: TDate, count: number): TDate;
getMinutes(value: TDate): number;
setMinutes(value: TDate, count: number): TDate;
getSeconds(value: TDate): number;
setSeconds(value: TDate, count: number): TDate;
getMonth(value: TDate): number;
setMonth(value: TDate, count: number): TDate;
getNextMonth(value: TDate): TDate;
getPreviousMonth(value: TDate): TDate;
getMonthArray(value: TDate): TDate[];
getYear(value: TDate): number;
setYear(value: TDate, count: number): TDate;
mergeDateAndTime(date: TDate, time: TDate): TDate;
getWeekdays(): string[];
getWeekArray(date: TDate): TDate[][];
getYearRange(start: TDate, end: TDate): TDate[];
/** Allow to customize displaying "am/pm" strings */
getMeridiemText(ampm: "am" | "pm"): string;