A Cordova plugin to add a fake ServiceWorker to WKWebView.
- Using cordova-plugin-ionic-webview & the associated GCDWebServer
- Have a preference set for RemoteServerUrl in config.xml that indicates the backend server you want the requests to go to.
Still a work in progress
To integrate with the webserver, you'll need to have something like the below in viewDidLoad
of your MainViewController
SEL sel_webServer = NSSelectorFromString(@"webServer");
GCDWebServer *server = [self.webViewEngine performSelector:sel_webServer];
// We can't add handlers while the server is running
BOOL restart = [server isRunning];
if (restart) { [server stop]; }
// ... add some other handlers
// This should be the last handler added, so it has the highest priority
[server addHandlerWithMatchBlock:^GCDWebServerRequest * (NSString * requestMethod, NSURL * requestURL, NSDictionary * requestHeaders, NSString * urlPath, NSDictionary * urlQuery) {
if ([requestMethod isEqualToString:@"GET"] &&
[[CDVServiceWorker sharedInstance] shouldHandleRequestWithHeaders:requestHeaders]) {
return [[GCDWebServerRequest alloc]
initWithMethod:requestMethod url:requestURL
headers:requestHeaders path:urlPath query:urlQuery];
return nil;
} asyncProcessBlock:^(__kindof GCDWebServerRequest * request, GCDWebServerCompletionBlock completionBlock) {
[[CDVServiceWorker sharedInstance] handleFetchEvent:request complete:^(NSDictionary *response) {
NSHTTPURLResponse* httpResp = [[NSHTTPURLResponse alloc]
statusCode:[response[@"status"] integerValue]
// Assuming you've created some subclass of GCDWebServerResponse that can have data
completionBlock([[MyServerResponse alloc] initWithData:response[@"body"]
// After adding the handlers we want to not only restart the
// server, but make sure it has all the options that
// CDVWkWebView plugin has set, so use that method to start it
if (restart) {
SEL sel_startServer = NSSelectorFromString(@"startServer");
[self.webViewEngine performSelector:sel_startServer];
Also need to add an extension to GCDWebServerRequest
to make it implement the CDVServiceWorker
's WebRequest
protocol (which is very straightforward).
// GCDWebServerRequest+WebRequest.h
#import "GCDWebServerRequest.h"
#import "CDVServiceWorker.h"
@interface GCDWebServerRequest (WebRequest) <WebRequest>
// GCDWebServer+WebRequest.m
#import "GCDWebServerRequest+WebRequest.h"
@implementation GCDWebServerRequest (WebRequest)
- (NSString*)HTTPMethod
return self.method;
- (NSDictionary*)allHTTPHeaderFields
return self.headers;