This is a realtime chat that uses Win/Linux api to manage sockets and create tcp connection between server and client. Also implements a caching system that save the messages between two peers.
You have the possibility also to write message in offline mode when client or server quit the session. When the connection is re-established the peers will send the new messages each other.
Every chat is unique and depends on the uuid of the device connected to. Does not matter who is the server or the client, the chat will be the same.
Every device at first start-up will generate his uuid4, which will be used for the authentication.
SocketFalco -h
Usage: SocketFalco [options] <arguments>
-l, -listen Start the server. Use -t for temporary session.
Example: SocketFalco -l
SocketFalco -l -t
-ls, -list List available chat sessions.
Example: SocketFalco -ls
-c, -connect <address> Connect to a specified server address. Use -t for temporary session.
Example: SocketFalco -c
SocketFalco -c -t
-eN, -editName <name> Edit the current user name.
Example: SocketFalco -eN NewName
-eC, -editChat <ChatUUID> Open the specific chat
Example: SocketFalco -eC chatUUID
-h, -help Show this help message and exit.
SocketFalco -listen Start the server.
SocketFalco -listen -t Start the server in temporary mode.
SocketFalco -connect Connect to the server at
SocketFalco -connect -t Connect to the server at in temporary mode.
SocketFalco -list List all chat sessions.
SocketFalco -editName Alice Change the username to "Alice".
SocketFalco -editChat 97b8b... Open the specific chat and let the user to add new messages.
- If you want to save the chat you MUST exit by typing "quit" on the console.
- Server can support localhost connection, you're just caching the same files, you can encounter a particular behaviour when a peer is sending new messages(they became duplicated).