Clone this project and unzip it.
Open a command-line/terminal window, navigate to the project's folder and run the following tasks in gradle to build the apk files:
cd PerfectoEspresso
./gradlew assembleDebug assembleAndroidTest
Run the below gradle task to run Espresso tests on real devices:
./gradlew perfecto-android-inst -PconfigFileLocation=configFile.json -PcloudURL=${url} -PsecurityToken=${securityToken}
Run the below gradle task to run Espresso tests on virtual devices:
./gradlew perfecto-android-inst-vd -PconfigFileLocation=configFile.json -PcloudURL=${url} -PsecurityToken=${securityToken}
- Replace ${url} with your perfecto cloud url. E.g.: demo.perfectomobile.com (without the .app notation)
- Replace ${securityToken} with your perfecto security token.