Enigma-Cracker is a cryptanaylsis tool for the Enigma machine
- Crypt / decrypt messages
- Index of coincidence attacks
- N-grams attacks
- Known plaintext attack
- Turing's bombe
- Rejewski's attack
- Cribs finder using wordlists
- Ring settings recovery
Easy to use:
- Friendly CLI
- No external dependency
- Export / import configurations to save your work
- Misc commands to turn / roll back rotors, count letters...
- Use generators to reduce memory consumption
- Use multiprocessing to increase speed
- Compatible with PyPy to get incredibly fast results
Easy to extend:
- Customizable Enigma machines
- Add new attacks easily
git clone https://github.com/Petitoto/Enigma-Cracker
cd Enigma-Cracker
python3 enigma-cracker.py
Use help
or help <command>
to get help
Global parameters are called attributes
Enigma-Cracker > help attributes
text: text to encrypt, decrypt, or attack
configs: Enigma configurations to encrypt, decrypt, or attack the text
process: number of processes to launch attacks (default: 1)
NB: multi processing prevents storing configurations as generators
Main idea behind Enigma's cryptanalysis:
- generate a lot of possible configurations
- use attacks to filter configurations
- repeat attacks until the correct configuration is the only one left
- some attacks allow separate computing of rotors, plugboard and ring settings