No stable releases are available at this time.
Back-end software for PhantomHost
Phantom is a MineCraft protocol responder that forgoes all of the game's mechanical functionalities.
This is therefore, by its very definition, the lightest possible MineCraft "server" implementation.
Functionally, Phantom is a MineCraft broadcaster that delivers configurable messages to all users who interact with your server's IP.
Whenever a user interacts with your server's IP, their client will request to establish a TCP or UDP connection.
Phantom is equipped to respond to such requests across all versions of every edition of MineCraft (including Bedrock, Java, Pi, & China)
For users viewing your server in their client's server list, Phantom will respond with a customisable MOTD, hover message, upper message, and/or icon. If users attempt to join your server, Phantom will accept the connection and immediately kick them with a customisable message.
Phantom has five primary use cases:
Temporary Events | Upcoming Servers |
Ephemeral servers that are infrequently online. Perfect for periodically repeated (or one-time) events! |
Servers that aren't quite ready yet. Helpful for building hype around your next project! |
Defunct Servers | Parked Domains |
Past servers that are no longer operating. Perfect for informing and reconnecting playerbases! |
Held domains that are not currently in use. Suitable for holding advertisments and contact information. |
Downtime Management |
Servers facing downtime on account of hardware migration or maintenance. A DNS-level solution to keep your users informed amidst service outages. |
Phantom can be used through one of two setups: PhantomMini and PhantomHost.
What is PhantomMini?
PhantomMini is our self-hosted, single instance, edition of Phantom.
If you have a basic understanding of unix, you should find that it is relatively easy to install.
Although optimised for SBMs, PhantomMini should be able to run in most environments.
(minimum specs - suggested specs)
What is PhantomHost
When deployed at scale, Phantom instances so ultralightweight that they can be hosted at next to no cost.
To that end, PhantomMC operates a free hosting service at PhantomHost.cc.
Through the PhantomHost service, you can set up five free server instances that:
- Display a customisable MOTD, icon, hover message, and/or upper message to players when viewed.
- Display a customisable kick message whenever a user tries to join.
- Provide you with a basic metrics report on your server's view/join rates and activity.
- Provides you with a free domain that you can point your DNS to, for example, YourServerName.PhantomHost.cc.
All costs are supported by a single unobtrusive advertisment banner on your (admin-side) control panel.