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Pharaoh Tools Toys and Templates


To run any of these, first install Pharaoh Tools. Then, go to the command line, clone this repository, and change into that directory.

git clone
cd PharaohSnippets

Usage Examples

Hello World

ptconfigure auto x --af=hello_world/hello_world.dsl.php

Using a Variable in a DSL

ptconfigure auto x --af=variables/variables.dsl.php --vars=variables/my_variable_file.php

Alternate Variable Syntax in a DSL

ptconfigure auto x --af=variables/alternate-syntax.dsl.php --vars=variables/my_variable_file.php

Using a Parameter in a DSL

ptconfigure auto x --af=parameters/parameters.dsl.php --my-test-parameter="Value From a Parameter"


Create a new single server on Digital Ocean

ptconfigure auto x --af=create_a_new_server_digitalocean/new-server.dsl.php

Create a new single server on Rackspace

ptconfigure auto x --af=create_a_new_server_rackspace/new-server.dsl.php

Create a new single server on AWS

Create a Load Balancer on Rackspace

Create a Manageable Domain on Rackspace

ptconfigure auto x --af=ensure_domin_record_rackspace/ensure_domain.dsl.php

Create a DNS Record on Rackspace

ptconfigure auto x --af=ensure_dns_record_rackspace/ensure_dns_record.dsl.php


Create a Virtual Machine

Save a Virtual Machine

Package and Deploy a Virtual Machine

Use a Packaged Virtual Machine


Kill a Process

ptconfigure auto x --af=kill_a_process/kill_process.dsl.php

Copy a file locally

ptconfigure auto x --af=copy/copy.dsl.php

SFTP put a file to a remote

ptconfigure auto x --af=sftp/sftp-put-environment.dsl.php

SFTP get a file from a remote

ptconfigure auto x --af=sftp/sftp-get-environment.dsl.php

Install a templated file

ptconfigure auto x --af=templating/install-file.dsl.php

Create a New SSH Key without Passphrase

ptconfigure auto x --af=system_detection/basic-info.dsl.php

Create a New SSH Key with Passphrase

ptconfigure auto x --af=system_detection/basic-info.dsl.php

Show Basic Node Information

ptconfigure auto x --af=system_detection/basic-info.dsl.php

Show Detailed Node Information

Ping a Machine

ptconfigure auto x --af=ping/ping.dsl.php

Test if a port is responding

ptconfigure auto x --af=port/port-responding.dsl.php

See which process is running on a port

ptconfigure auto x --af=port/port-process.dsl.php

Ensure a Service is running

ptconfigure auto x --af=service_running/service-running.dsl.php

Ensure a Service will run after reboot

ptconfigure auto x --af=service_reboots/service-reboots.dsl.php

Enable Firewall for all but HTTP, HTTPS and SSH

ptconfigure auto x --af=webserver_firewall/set_firewall.dsl.php


Turn a directory into a Website

Check hostname