This is a small project (2 months) we did for our school in 2014.
The project is called R-Type, as an homage for the 1987 video game.
YouTube video:
master: Contains a stable and numbered version of the project. Only working and fully-tested versions may be merged into master.
develop: Main working branch. Every new feature or bug fix should be merged into develop.
We have only one udp packet: UpdateEntities.
UpdateEntities is sent between the server and the client and contains entities to update. This packet is sent at a regular interval (to be defined, like 50-200ms). The client is only allowed to update a few entities, like the inputs. The server will check that.
When the server receives the Update packet from an unknown sender, it adds the player to the room.
When the server doesn't receive the Update packets for 5 seconds, it disconnects the player.
The room id is stored into the UpdateEntities packet, you can join the id you want.
The RFC is currently in xml format. You can find the last version in the branch conception. To compile it to another format (including txt/html/pdf), use
Our Entity Component System is a simplified version of Unity's.
The program core will load every component and every entity.
The program core will execute every component of every entity at each frame.
Components are loaded from dynamic libraries (.so, .dll).
Components contain variables and functions.
Components may overload update() and draw() functions.
An entity is a json-like file and contains a list of components.
"SpriteComponent" :
"x" : 0,
"y" : 0,
"image" : "assets/boss.png"
"MovementComponent" : "wave",
"MissileSpawnComponent" :
"type" : "BossMissile",
"minInterval" : 400,
"maxInterval" : 800
"LifeComponent" :
"life" : 1000
This is an example and not a valid entity.
class SpriteComponent : public Component
int x;
int y;
std::string image;
virtual void update()
// Empty, that function may be deleted.
// We may use the 'isLocal' boolean here.
virtual void draw()
// Will only be called client-side.
GraphicsEngine::draw(image, x, y);
virtual void serialize(Output& output)
// Will only be called server-side.
output << x << y;
virtual void unserialize(Input& input)
// Will only be called client-side.
// Note: we should extrapolate the values here in order to smooth the movement.
input >> x >> y;
Again, this is a short example and not a working code.
- Jean Fauquenot
- Maxime Laffaire
- Nicolas Vareille
- Paul-Maxime Le Duc
- Thibault Duval