In ham-radio digital mode transmissions some protocols (WSPR, FT8, ...) require a synchronization of the order of one second between all stations.
To have an accurate time on ESP32 there are several solutions:
- the connection to an NTP server,
- the connection to a GPS,
- the use of a saved real-time clock,
- a combination of several methods.
The first two solutions involve either being connected to a network (WiFi, ...) or to be able to receive GPS signals which is not always possible.
This article presents the realization of a date-time display on an ESP32 TTGO T-Display using a saved DS3231 real-time clock.
The principle is as follows:
- the date and time data is acquired by a WiFi connection with an NTP server and saved on the DS3231,
- the DS3231 then provides the data for display.
Two software versions were developped, one using a button of the TTGO T-Display to switch on or off the display.
73 Philippe F6CZV