This is and abandonned project | don't use it for game development
GLEngine was my first C++ project and my first attempt to create my own 3D game engine using OpenGL.
- Basic lighting
- Advanced physics using Bullet3D
- Separated render and game threads
- Multithreaded data loading
- Custom asset binary format
- Render targets
- Content browser with dynamic thumbnails
- Frustrum culling
- Max display screen size
- ImGui user interface
- Easy to use CPU profiler
- Procedural landscapes
- Generated project vs files with a custom tool (C#)
- Raycasting
- assimp
- glfw
- glad
- stbi
- glm
Async data loading
Last build review
Scene primitive bounding boxes (used for line traces and culling)
Dynamically generated thumbnails + object preview
Large model loading (Imported from google maps data)
Procedural infinite landscape (async mesh generation)
Generated foliages (Quick implementation of my landscape library, no instancing)