Web framework for Python 3
This project is not maintained any more. When it started in 2002 there were very few lightweight web frameworks; now there are many popular options, that are more complete and better designed than Karrigell.
One you have downloaded the package and unzipped it in a directory, open a console window, go to the directory and run :
python setup.py install
This will install the packages Karrigell and HTMLTags in the Python distribution.
In another directory, save these 2 lines in a script called server.py :
import Karrigell
This will start a built-in web server, listening for request on port 80. If you want another port, change the second line to :
By default, the server serves the file in its folder. That is, if you put
an image file picture.jpg in the same folder as server.py, and enter
in a web browser, the server will print this
The documentation explains how to serve different applications in different directories.
In the same directory as server.py, save these 2 lines in index.py :
def index():
return "Hello, world"
Enter http://localhost/index.py/index
in the browser, you will see the
message "Hello, world".
That's all it takes ! You can now browse the documentation to see how to develop applications, control access to users, manage sessions, localize your scripts, etc.