All my useful dotfiles
Simply download and run the script to install my dotfile
Notre configuration zsh est évidemment basée sur celle qui est fournie en défaut par oh-my-zsh. Pour l'installer, une simple ligne :
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Cepenant, nous utilisons un plugin custom : zsh-syntax-highlighting. Son installation est très simple
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
If you want to use RFC plugin, you must to compile your vim with ruby support, and install the nokogiri gem
gem install nokogiri
curl | bash
A npmfile has been created to simplify re-installation of package. To re-install packages, that's simple:
xargs npm install --global < ~/npmfile
Also, if you want to export packages :
npm list --global --parseable --depth=0 | sed '1d' | awk '{gsub(/\/.*\//,"",$1); print}' > ~/npmfile
A gemfile has been created to simplify re-installation of package. To re-install packages, that's simple:
cat ~/gemlist | xargs -L 1 gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc
Also, if you want to export packages :
gem list | tail -n+1 | sed 's/(/--version /' | sed 's/)//' > ~/gemlist
In order to user ControlMaster
, we need to create ~/.ssh/private
mkdir ~/.ssh/private
git h
uses an external software, lets install it
gem install giturl
Few things only for MacOS
- Theme for iTerm 2
- Use Natural Key Mapping
- Preference
- Profile, mainly use default
- Keys
- Key Mapping
- Presets > Use Natural Text Editing
-> Raycast config file is present, locked by password