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Machine Vision Acquisition

This repository is a lose grouping of code, environments, scripts, notes, and more capturing efforts relating to acquiring images from machine vision cameras such as those from Lucid. Predominantly this will focus on GenICam as an interface layer and utilise Aravis.

Setup / Install

This repository is mainly a mix of Python and Docker. It uses Poetry and Docker Compose. The user should be somewhat familiar with these.

Quick Start

Note: You won't have access to Aravis unless you manually install or you use the Docker workflow suggested.

poetry install
# Or if you're having poetry issues, nut your pip is uptodate:
python3 -m venv .venv # Ensure this is > python3.8
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .
# If you plan to use stereo aspects:
pip install -e .[stereo]

Docker Environments

Since many manufacturers of cameras offer thier individual SDKs; this repository attempts to capture the setup of a development environment. Some are vendor specific (e.g. FLIR's Spinnaker), some more vendor agnostic (Aravis or mvIMPACT).

If possible, the Aravis environment is a good starting point. This is an open-source vendor agnostic GenICam compliant acquisition framework.

Docker: Quick start

Within in appropriate environment (i.e. docker host and CLI available) and the root of this folder, run:

# Optional: Enable build kit on old docker versions
# multi-sdk depends on aravis
docker compose build aravis && docker compose build multi-sdk
# Optionally explicitly control output directory
OUTPUT_DIR=/media/powerplant-sink/ docker compose up -d aravis multi-sdk
# Otherwise:
docker compose up -d aravis multi-sdk
# Give the containers a few seconds to perform the initial startup commands. Then you can launch a shell into the container with:
docker compose exec multi-sdk bash
# List cameras (with Aravis, sudo for USB3)
docker compose exec aravis arv-tool-0.8

Docker: Aravis

The Aravis development environment has two main flavors:

Docker: Multi-SDK

This is basically the Aravis container but with some additonal other SDKs. This should be the main container used (on platforms that support it). Currently included are:

  • Aravis (built from source)
  • Chronoptics

Output Volume

The containers will mount the value of the environment variable OUTPUT_DIR to /output. This will default to the path /media/powerplant-sink/ if not defined or empty. To use this follow the example:

# Setup lsyncd or other syncrhonising on host at a specific point. E.g. "/media/powerplant-sink/"
export OUTPUT_DIR=/media/powerplant-sink/
docker compose up -d aravis

GenICam Interfaces & SDKs

Whilst it is generally best to look directly at the vendor's documentation, these sections attempt to capture some tips and tricks.

SDK: Aravis

  • Vendor Agnostic
  • Open Source
  • Resonably well featured
  • C++ & Python interface (via GObject)

arv-viewer: A quick camera viewer with limited features.

  • e.g. DISPLAY=localhost:10.0 LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 arv-viewer-0.8 --auto-buffer-size allows remote camera viewing with x11 forwarding.
  • Struggles with super high datarates, but can do 1FPS 20MP or 45FPS normal cameras.

Commandline tools

arv-tool: List & change camera settings
  • e.g. list cameras with:
> arv-tool-0.8 
Chronoptics-KeaC1RevB/6mm/NIFilter/RGB-2020029 (
Lucid Vision Labs-ATL314S-C-220700207 (
Lucid Vision Labs-TRI023S-C-213902307 (
Lucid Vision Labs-TRI023S-C-213902309 (
  • e.g. reset a camera with:
# Find appropriate GenICam command
> arv-tool-0.8 --name "Lucid Vision Labs-TRI023S-C-213902307" features | grep Reset
        Command      : [WO] 'DeviceReset'
        Command      : [WO] 'DeviceFactoryReset'
        Command      : [WO] 'TimestampReset'
            EnumEntry   : 'CounterResetSource'
            EnumEntry   : 'CounterResetActivation'
              * CounterResetSource
              * CounterResetActivation
              * CounterReset
              * CounterValueAtReset
# Call GenICam command
> arv-tool-0.8 --name "Lucid Vision Labs-TRI023S-C-213902307" control DeviceFactoryReset
DeviceFactoryReset executed


To use these tools, if they are python, ensure you have the dependencies installed. Either run python3 -m poetry install (or if not using poetry: python3 -m pip install -e .) in the repo root or manually do this. Use a virtual environment if not in a Docker container.

In general the tools are called mva_* and use click with sub-commands.

mva_capture: Generic Camera Capture CLI interface

Mainly in capture. View CLI help for info: mva_capture --help

This tool uses a JSON config file. See capture-config.json for an example. Create a copy, and modify it to your needs. Then run mva_capture:

HTTP_PORT=5000 mva_capture --config ./etc/capture-config.json

mva_process: CLI Batch image file processor

Mainly in process.cli. View CLI help for info:

Usage: mva_process [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  A set of tools to work on folders of images. Check the help for each sub-
  command for details.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  convert    Batch converts raw 12bit 'PNG' images to de-bayered 12bit...
  stats      Generate basic numerical stats from folders of images...
  undistort  Rectify images using CalibIO and OpenCV from a single camera.
  stereo     (Experimental) Process left/right image pairs to produce disparity based outputs.

Note: This is fairly functional without Aravis and so can run outside of Docker/Aravis

Note: convert can also tonemap 12b images to 8b.


mva_process stereo --input /mnt/powerplant/input/projects/dhs/smartsensingandimaging/development/fops/2022-07-21/2 --serial-left=213500023 --serial-right=213500031 --calibio-json /mnt/powerplant/input/projects/dhs/smartsensingandimaging/development/fops/2022-04-29/calibration-images/caloutput.json --output ./tmp/stereo/2022-07-21/disp340-960-16bout/2/ --disparity-max 960

Systemd service to restart DHCP and NMCLI connections

To mitigate issues with the devices not being stable, a quick helper service was created.


First, ensure the devices in etc/nmcli-dhcp-manager.service match those on the system. Use ip link to check.

# In a sudo shell (i.e. sudo -E su)
mkdir -p /opt/nmcli-dhcp-manager
python3.8 -m venv /opt/nmcli-dhcp-manager/.venv
cp ./etc/nmcli-dhcp-manager.service /etc/systemd/system/
cp ./src/utils/ /opt/nmcli-dhcp-manager/
/opt/nmcli-dhcp-manager/.venv/bin/python -m pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
/opt/nmcli-dhcp-manager/.venv/bin/python -m pip install -r ./src/utils/requirements.nmcli-dhcp-manager.txt
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable nmcli-dhcp-manager
systemctl start nmcli-dhcp-manager

Troubleshooting & FAQ

Sudo-less USB3 cameras:

Follow the udev advice here:

Can't see USB3 camera?

  • Often you must use sudo -E to access USB devices. Try this first.
  • Replugged (or reset) USB devices are not being refreshed in docker container. This should have been fixed, otherwise: might serve as a starting point. Or Or


You currently must manually install FPNGE:

pip install

HSM Stereo:

The original repo is not PIP-installable :(

A fork has been created with some fixes and pip installable
pip install git+
# download the model

wget -O ./tmp/middlebury-final-768px.tar

export HSM_MODEL_PATH=$(readlink -f ./tmp/middlebury-final-768px.tar)