An expression tokenizer, parser and evaluator.
yarn add expression-engine
import { tokenizeExpression, parseExpression, evaluateExpression, printExpression } from "expression-engine";
const tokens = tokenizeExpression('a + b')
const ast = parseExpression(tokens)
const result = evaluateExpression(ast, { a: 1, b: 2 })
const expression = printExpression(ast)
// <script src="./node_modules/expression-engine/expression-engine.min.js"></script>
numeric literal: 123 0x123 0o123 0b101 2e2 123_456
string literal: 'abc' "abc"
boolean literal: true false
array literal: [a, b] [a, ...b]
object literal: { a: 1 } { a: 1, ...b} { a }
null literal
group: ( )
member expression and call expression: a.b a[0] a['b'] a(1, 2) a?.b a(...b) a?.[0] a?.()
unary expression: %
unary expression: + - ! ~ not await
binary expression: **
binary expression: * / %
binary expression: + -
binary expression: << >> >>>
binary expression: > < >= <=
binary expression: == != === !==
binary expression: && and
binary expression: &
binary expression: ^
binary expression: |
binary expression: || ?? or
pipeline operator: |>
condition expression: a ? b : c
import { tokenizeExpression, parseExpression, evaluateExpression, CustomData } from 'expression-engine'
class HighlightText implements CustomData {
constructor(public text: string, public highlight: number[]) { }
add(right: string | HighlightText) {
if (typeof right === 'string') {
return new HighlightText(this.text + right, this.highlight)
const highlight = [...this.highlight]
if (right.highlight.length > 0) {
const [first, ...remain] = right.highlight
highlight.push(first + this.text.length - highlight.reduce((p, c) => p + c, 0), ...remain)
return new HighlightText(this.text + right.text, highlight)
added(left: string) {
if (this.highlight.length > 0) {
const [first, ...remain] = this.highlight
return new HighlightText(left + this.text, [first + left.length, ...remain])
return new HighlightText(left + this.text, this.highlight)
equal(value: string | HighlightText) {
const text = typeof value === 'string' ? value : value.text
const highlight = typeof value === 'string' ? [] : value.highlight || []
if (text !== this.text) {
return false
if (this.highlight.length !== highlight.length) {
return false
for (let i = 0; i < highlight.length; i++) {
if (highlight[i] !== this.highlight[i]) {
return false
return true
const tokens = tokenizeExpression('a + b')
const ast = parseExpression(tokens)
const result = evaluateExpression(
a: new HighlightText('aaa', [1, 1]),
b: new HighlightText('bbb', [1, 1])
// HighlightText { text: 'aaabbb', highlight: [ 1, 1, 2, 1 ] }