This package is a wrapper of console.log
that enables output depending on a Verbosity level.
It also brings color and manage compability.
The verbosity level helps to only display from a certain level.
- you can set in the source code
- you can override via LocalStorage using the key:
In your console toolbar, run
for instance.
Pretty neat!
Inject the library in your code:
<script src=""></script>
You have now access to PlopixConsole
- Use NPM
npm i @plopix/js-console -D
- Use Yarn
yarn add --dev @plopix/js-console
Then the asiest is to create your own Console.js
file, and put:
import { Console } from '@plopix/js-console/dist/ts/Console';
const PlopixConsole = new Console();
PlopixConsole.verbosity = 0;
export default PlopixConsole;
And then import it in your project when you want
import Console from './path/to/Console';
Console.success("Console well installed!");
Just use it!
Have a look in the example.
In addition to the method provided by the LoggerInterface
you also have
groupStart(title: string): void;
groupEnd(): void;
dir(data: any): void;
table(data: any): void;
clear(): void;
memory(): void;
trace(): void;
They won't display anything if the Browser does not support it.
If you want to log things on the page load, you can use a specific HTML tag.
<span style="display: none" data-plopix-console data-verbosity="200" data-context="[1,2,3,4]">Oh yeah %d %d</span>
Have a look in the example.
export enum Level {
ALERT = 550,
ERROR = 400,
WARNING = 300,
NOTICE = 250,
INFO = 200,
DEBUG = 100,
Can be used with Level.* in TypeScript
export interface LoggerInterface {
// Logs with an arbitrary level.
log(level: Level, message: string, context?: any): void;
// System is unusable.
emergency(message: string, context?: any): void;
// Action must be taken immediately.
alert(message: string, context?: any): void;
// Critical conditions.
critical(message: string, context?: any): void;
// Runtime errors that do not require immediate action but should typically be logged and monitored.
error(message: string, context?: any): void;
// Exceptional occurrences that are not errors.
warning(message: string, context?: any): void;
// Normal but significant events.
notice(message: string, context?: any): void;
// Interesting events.
info(message: string, context?: any): void;
// Detailed debug information.
debug(message: string, context?: any): void;
// When all is good
success(message: string, context?: any): void;
Project under the MIT License (MIT)