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Migrating to 5.x

paweljaneczek edited this page Jun 22, 2018 · 2 revisions

Guide for migrating to RxBluetothKit 5

What has changed?

RxBlutoothKit starting from version 5.0.0 changes a lot in API. Here is a list of main changes that occured:

  • BluetoothManager renamed to CentralManager - with this change we have unified naming with CoreBluetooth. This change also gives us possibility to add easily PeripheralManager support.
  • Changed returns from Observable<> to Single where applies.
  • Removed BluetoothManager.listenOnRestoredState and instead of this added new CentralManager.init(queue: DispatchQueue, options: [String: AnyObject]?, onWillRestoreState: OnWillRestoreState?) initializer
  • removed support for calling CentralManager.scanForPeripherals when scanning is ongoing. Before we were doing queuing or sharing of new call but we had numerous issues with such approach. From now on, if there is ongoing scan Observable will immediately finish with BluettothError.scanInProgress error.
  • BluetoothManager.rx_state renamed to CentralManager.observeState. In addition to it CentralManager.observeState is no more starting with current state value.
  • BluetoothManager.connect renamed to CentralManager.establishConnection. Removed BluetoothManager.cancelPeripheralConnection and Peripheral.cancelConnection. We have changed way of connecting to peripheral in more reactive way. CentralManager.establishConnection is now also canceling connection on it's dispose. Due to that chanes it is now not possible to call CentralManager.establishConnection on device that is already connected (the only exception of this behaviour is for devices that we get from state restoration).
  • CentralManager.retrieveConnectedPeripherals and CentralManager.retrievePeripherals are now returning [Peripheral] instead of Observable<[Peripheral]>.
  • BluetoothManager.monitorConnection renamed to CentralManager.observeConnect.
  • BluetoothManager.monitorDisconnection renamed to CentralManager.observeDisconnect.
  • all Peripheral.monitorWrite methods renamed to Peripheral.observeWrite.
  • all Peripheral.monitorValueUpdate methods renamed to Peripheral.observeValueUpdate.
  • Peripheral.monitorNameUpdate renamed to Peripheral.observeNameUpdate.
  • Peripheral.monitorServicesModification renamed to Peripheral.observeServicesModification.
  • Peripheral.observeValueUpdateAndSetNotification added, Peripheral.setNotifyValue and Peripheral.setNotificationAndMonitorUpdates removed. From now on is seting notificaiton on subscription and unseting it on disposing. In addition it is possible to set more observables for same characteristic - it will work in a way that dispose will only happen when there are no observables for characteristic.

Diffs on file

-let stateObservable = manager.rx_state
+let stateObservable = manager.observeState()
+	.startWith(manager.state)
 	.filter { $0 == .poweredOn }
 	.timeout(3.0, scheduler)
-	.flatMap { manager.scanForPeripherals(withServices: [serviceId]) }
+	.flatMap { _ in manager.scanForPeripherals(withServices: [serviceId]) }
 manager.scanForPeripherals(withServices: [serviceId]).take(1)
-	.flatMap { $0.peripheral.connect() }
+	.flatMap { $0.peripheral.establishConnection() }
 	.subscribe(onNext: { peripheral in
 		print("Connected to: \(peripheral)")
-	.flatMap { $0.discoverServices([serviceId]) }
+	.flatMap { $0.discoverServices([serviceId]) }.asObservable()
 	.flatMap { Observable.from($0) }
-	.flatMap { $0.discoverServices([serviceId]) }
+	.flatMap { $0.discoverServices([serviceId]) }.asObservable()
 	.flatMap { Observable.from($0) }
-	.flatMap { $0.discoverCharacteristics([characteristicId])}
+	.flatMap { $0.discoverCharacteristics([characteristicId])}.asObservable()
 	.flatMap { Observable.from($0) }
-	.flatMap { $0.discoverServices([serviceId]) }
+	.flatMap { $0.discoverServices([serviceId]) }.asObservable()
 	.flatMap { Observable.from($0) }
-	.flatMap { $0.discoverCharacteristics([characteristicId])}
+	.flatMap { $0.discoverCharacteristics([characteristicId])}.asObservable()
 	.flatMap { Observable.from($0) }
+let disposable = characteristic.observeValueUpdateAndSetNotification()
 	.subscribe(onNext: {
 		let newValue = $0.value
-	.subscribe(onNext: { characteristic in
-		//Notification are now disabled.
-	})
-    .flatMap { Observable.from($0.discoverServices([serviceId])) }
-    .flatMap { Observable.from($0.discoverCharacteristics([characteristicId])}
-    .flatMap { $0.readValue }
-    .subscribe(onNext: {
-        let data = $0.value
-    })
+	.flatMap { $0.discoverServices([serviceId]) }.asObservable()
+	.flatMap { Observable.from($0) }
+	.flatMap { $0.discoverCharacteristics([characteristicId])}.asObservable()
+	.flatMap { Observable.from($0) }
+	.flatMap { $0.readValue() }
+	.subscribe(onNext: {
+		let data = $0.value
+	})