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Why Polydodo

Mathieu Bélanger edited this page Nov 23, 2020 · 2 revisions

Here you would expect us to tell you why you should use Polydodo. If you do, that's because you haven't read the Home page of our wiki. Instead, here we will explain why we named our project Polydodo.

🎒 Poly

This one might not be obvious to everyone, but for someone with a trained eye the prefix Poly might make some sense. For some students from Polytechnique Montréal part of PolyCortex working on a project on polysomnography, it was really not an easy decision. However, after long discussions and debates, we were able to agree that it might be a good option to include inside the name of the project.

💤 Dodo

The dodo bird is a really cool animal which sadly has been extinct for awhile. For this reason we chose him as our logo. Nevertheless, like our prefix, dodo has multiple meanings which makes him relevant to our project. Dodo is often used in French to refer to sleep. French being our first language, it made sense for us to use it. It also made a nice connection to the dodo bird, which you should not forget is a really cool bird.

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