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Wiki converter edited this page Sep 24, 2020 · 2 revisions

Assembla vs. Trac Wiki Markup

Assembla uses a wiki markup system called "Textile". This has a number of differences from the Trac markup we used to use. When you edit Assembla Wiki pages there's a bunch of useful Textile info at the bottom of the edit area. This page summarises some of the main points of difference with Trac markup to get you started quickly.


Trac used one or more equals signs (=) to mark headings. Assembla uses a hN. prefix, like so:

Trac Assembla
= first heading = h1. first heading
== second heading == h2. second heading
Et cetera.

Code quotes

Trac let you surround multiline code blocks with code goes here. Assembla requires you to use HTML pre and code tags: <pre><code> code goes here <&#47;code><&#47;pre>

like this

You can also quote code with @ signs (all on one line).

like this

Escaping camel case

Trac used CamelCase syntax to automatically create Wiki links. You used to have to escape words like PortAudio and DirectSound with a ! to stop them being Wiki links. You don't need to do that any more, we've disabled auto camel case links in Assembla.

Bold and emphasis

For bolding Trac allowed three asterisks, and also used ''' (three single quotes) around bold words. In Assembla bold and emphasis can be done by surrounding words with one or two * or _ , but not with three.


Links to tickets and revisions

As in Trac, you can link to tickets by writing the ticket number preceded with a hash sign. e.g. #201

As in Trac, You can link to revisions by writing the revision number preceded by an 'r'. e.g. r1000. Note that this doesn't seem to work in Assembla tickets at the moment. Hopefully they'll fix that. The {id} syntax probably works.

Wiki links and external links

In Assembla, wiki links work much like Wikipedia by surrounding the targed with two sets of square brackets. [[ and ]]. You can use a pipe character to separate the link target and the text of the link. e.g. [[TestPlan| the test plan]] comes out like this: the test plan

Links to URLs work much the same except you need to prefix the HTTP url with "url:" e.g. [[url:|the PortAudio website]]

the PortAudio website

Bullet lists

Bullet lists use *. Don't try to use - for bullets, it doesn't work.


Trac uses double pipes || to separate table columns. Assembla uses single pipes. Trac used the heading syntax with equals signs to mark header rows in tables. Assembla uses |_. at the start of a header column. It's all explained here:

One thing to watch out for: make sure your final | on each line is at the end of the line. If there's whitespace after it Assembla will get confused.

Image embedding

If you want to include an image from an external site, just write the URL, surrounded with an ! on either side. Like so:



That's all I know. Beyond this you should read the documentation and links at the bottom of the edit area.

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