Microservice that is in charge of generating jwts for user validation, as well as registering new users.
- Authorization
- Authentication
- New User Registration
What you will need:
- Docker (running)
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/PotatoDoge/jwt-microservice.git
Go to project's directory
cd jwt-microservice
Compile the project
./mvnw clean compile
Note: For the following step, run the database service from the docker compose file. You must have the database up and running to install the project
Install the project
./mvnw clean install
Run the following commands:
docker network create app-ms
docker volume create auth-ms-volume
docker-compose build --no-cache
docker-compose up -d
- This command will create containers for both the database and the jwt microservice
- 8080 and 5432 (or your own specified ports) must be free in order for this to run correctly
- In case that you decide to change the ports, double check the application.yml to make sure that the same ports are being used
Registration endpoint
POST → http://localhost:8080/api/v1/auth/register
- No auth
This request will register the email, password and role in the database
Authentication endpoint
POST → http://localhost:8080/api/v1/auth/authenticate
- No auth
This request will check if the user exists in the database, and if it exists, it will return a 200 status response code and a JWT as a header
Test secure endpoint
GET → http://localhost:8080/demo
- Bearer Token (token returned from auth endpoint)
This request will return a message like "Hello world from secure endpoint"
This microservice is based on the following template: https://github.com/PotatoDoge/Springboot-Security-Template
- Springboot 3
- Springboot Security 6
- Java
- Json Web Token (JWT)
- Docker