Sell your first product quicker than you would have expected with our nice onboarding process.
Every steps are stored on the config/steps.yml file.
On this file you will have groups containing the steps. Just follow this micro documentation to create / modify the steps:
groups: # Only needed once
- title: { loc: group1.title } # The title of the group, shown on the footer.
steps: # The steps list of this group.
# Basic configuration for each step:
- type: popup # The type of the step, can be 'popup' or 'tooltip'.
title: { loc:group1.title } # The title of the step, shown on the footer.
text: { loc:group1.title } # The content of the step, displayed on the popup or the tooltip
page: 'product/new' # The page where the step is placed
# OR : An array of pages, when the Onboarding automaticaly move to the page, the first one
# will be selected :
page: ['product/new', 'product/form']
# Configuration only for type = 'tooltip':
selector: '#description' # The jQuery selector where the toolip will be located
position: top # The position of the tooltip around the object, can be :
# 'left', 'right', 'top' or 'bottom'
# Optionnal parameters:
action: # Instead of just move to the next step, an action can be performed:
selector: '#myButton' # jQuery selector where the action will be performed
action: 'click' # Action to perform
options: [savepoint] # A list of options for this step, the options can be :
# - 'savepoint': If the user resume after paused, the first save
# will be the last savepoint
# - 'hideFooter': Hide the footer for the current step
Just a word for the localization:
The localized entries are on the config/localization folder. Each entries have a key. To use one of this entry, just use { loc: key.subkey }
instead of a string. (For the titles and contents).
If you want complex content, just create a TWIG template on the views/contents and use { content: templateName }
instead of a string.
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PrestaShop modules are open source extensions to the PrestaShop e-commerce platform. Everyone is welcome and even encouraged to contribute with their own improvements!
Just make sure to follow our contribution guidelines.
This module is released under the Academic Free License 3.0