This is a movieBlog website which has following features :-
Add a movie or series review.
Add a comment on a review.
Like/Dislike a review.
Delete review.
Delete comment on review.
Can search a movie online and add review details from it
API used :- omdb to get movie details and get imdb id of movie to find detailed information
- Authentication mechanism
- username and password based
- Google authentication
- Facebook authentication
- Dashboard functions
- Displays graphical visualization of likes on your reviews in bar and pie chart format
- Links to your all reviews at one place
- Edit profile settings
- Delete account option
- Link your Google and Facebook account to single account
Status of account linked displayed with option to link - Displays profile details
Node.js (
mongoDB (
npm (inside node.js to install packages)
(installation guide : -
using npm install necessary packages mentioned in package.json
- create a configure.js file in configure directory with following structure
module.exports = { adminmail: { service: 'email service here eg-gmail', auth: { user: 'your email here', pass: 'your password here' } }, authorization: { google: { clientID: 'your clientID here', clientSecret: 'your clientSecret here', callbackURL: "http://localhost:3000/auth/google/callback" }, facebook: { clientID: 'your clientID here', clientSecret: 'your clientSecret here', callbackURL: 'http://localhost:3000/auth/facebook/callback', profileFields: ['id', 'displayName', 'name', 'picture.type(large)', 'email'] } } }