Notes & Java / Golang / C++ code for Google Protocol Buffers
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
What things you need to install:
- Docker
Give examples
An Evolution of data JSON JavaScript Object Notation. JSON format can be shared across the network. --> put json sample <--
- Data can take any form (arrays, nested elements)
- Easy to read
- Data has no schema enforcing
- JSON Obejcts can be quite big in size because of repeated keys Protocol Buffers
syntax = "proto3"
message MyMessage {
int32 id =1;
string name = 2;
bool is_validated = 3;
PB is defined by .proto text file. Advantages:
- Explit types.
- Less CPU usage when data compressed.
- Schema is needed to generate code and read the data.
- Documentation can be embedded in the schema.
- 3-10x smaller, 20-100x faster then XML.
- Can't open the serialized data with a text editor.
Some big projects like 'etcd' use PB for transporting data.
- Mid 2016 Google release 3rd iteration of PB- proto3.
- In PB field names are not important, smallest tag is 1, largest 2^29, 336,870,911.
- If we try use any greather then 2^29 compiler throws an error:
- Field numbers cannot be greater than 536870911.
- Tags from 19000 - 19999 are google reserved
- Tags numbered from 1 - 15 use 1 byte in space, use them for frequently populated fields
- Tags numbeder from 16 - 2047 use 2 bytes in space.
- Forward and backward compatible change
- Don't change the numeric tags for any existing fields
- With new fields, an old code will just ignore them
- use reserved [tag_number] when removing field Sample: reserved 2, 15 to 19; reserved "aaa", "xyz";
- The alternative is that instead of removing a field, you rename it to OBSOLETE_field_name
- Do not remove any reserved tags
- [oneof] To use Type variant, type oneof; cannot be repeated
- [map] Maps can be used to map scalars to values of any type; map<string, Result> results = 2;
- Map fields cannot be repeated
- There's no ordering for map (it's key value store)
- Protocol buffers can define Services on top of Messages
- A service is a set of endpoints you application can be accessible from
- The advantage of Services & RPC (remote procedure call) is that you can call Servcie API from any client seamlessly
- Piotr Wera - Initial work - pwera
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details