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599 lines (494 loc) · 18.5 KB

Callbacks {#webhook}

Webhook allows you to receive real-time HTTP notifications of events (outgoing / incoming payments). You need to implement a web service to receive and processing of POST-requests according to the requests format.

You need to respond the notification with HTTP 200 OK within 1-2 sec. If QIWI service has no response, it sends next notification in 10 min, then in 1 hour.

Pools of IP-addresses from which QIWI service sends notifications:


If your web service works behinds the firewall, you need to add these IP-addresses to the list of allowed addresses for incoming TCP packets.

Quick start {#quick_hook}

  1. Implement web service for webhook requests. Make sure to implement correctly the digital signature verification.
  2. Register your service. Please note that its URL original length (before URL-encoding) cannot be longer than 100 symbols.
  3. Request for signature key.
  4. Test your service with test request. Empty notification will be sent to your service registered at stage 2.

To change webhook service URL:

  1. Remove current webhook service.
  2. Register new webhook service. Please note that its URL original length (before URL-encoding) cannot be longer than 100 symbols.
  3. Request for new signature key.
  4. Test your service with test request. Empty notification will be sent to your service registered at stage 2.

Processing notification {#hook_format}

Outgoing payments - notification of payment in process

POST /some-hook.php HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-type: application/json

{"hash": "50779a03d90c4fa60ac44dfd158dbceec0e9c57fa4cf4f5298450fdde1868945",
 "hookId": "f57f95e2-149f-4278-b2cb-4114bc319727",
 "messageId": "f9a197a8-26b6-4d42-aac4-d86b789c373c",
 "payment": {"account": "myAccount",
             "comment": "My comment",
             "commission": Null,
             "date": "2018-05-18T16:05:15+03:00",
             "errorCode": "0",
             "personId": 79254914194,
             "provider": 25549,
             "signFields": "sum.currency,sum.amount,type,account,txnId",
             "status": "WAITING",
             "sum": {"amount": 1.73, "currency": 643},
             "total": {"amount": 1.73, "currency": 643},
             "txnId": "13117338074",
             "type": "OUT"},
 "test": false,
 "version": "1.0.0"}

Outgoing payment - notification of successful payment

POST /some-hook.php HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-type: application/json

{"hash": "50779a03d90c4fa60ac44dfd158dbceec0e9c57fa4cf4f5298450fdde1868945",
 "hookId": "f57f95e2-149f-4278-b2cb-4114bc319727",
 "messageId": "6e2a0e32-4c8d-4fe2-9eed-fe3b6a726ff4",
 "payment": {"account": "thedandod",
             "comment": "My comment",
             "commission": {"amount": 0.0, "currency": 643},
             "date": "2018-05-18T16:05:15+03:00",
             "errorCode": "0",
             "personId": 79254914194,
             "provider": 25549,
             "signFields": "sum.currency,sum.amount,type,account,txnId",
             "status": "SUCCESS",
             "sum": {"amount": 1.73, "currency": 643},
             "total": {"amount": 1.73, "currency": 643},
             "txnId": "13117338074",
             "type": "OUT"},
 "test": false,
 "version": "1.0.0"}

Outgoing payments - notification of unsuccessful payment

POST /some-hook.php HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-type: application/json

{"hash": "0637b07b1018d76585db26b0f8077016b12996006429e22a7dc5b6982710a1ef",
 "hookId": "f57f95e2-149f-4278-b2cb-4114bc319727",
 "messageId": "1133873b-9bb6-4adb-9bfe-7be3a9aa999f",
 "payment": {"account": "borya241203",
             "comment": "",
             "commission": None,
             "date": "2018-05-20T05:19:16+03:00",
             "errorCode": "5",
             "personId": 79254914194,
             "provider": 25549,
             "signFields": "sum.currency,sum.amount,type,account,txnId",
             "status": "ERROR",
             "sum": {"amount": 1.01, "currency": 643},
             "total": {"amount": 1.01, "currency": 643},
             "txnId": "13126423989",
             "type": "OUT"},
 "test": false,
 "version": "1.0.0"}

Incoming payment - notification of successful payment

POST /some-hook.php HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-type: application/json

{"hash": "a56ed0090fa3fd2fd0b002ed80f85a120037a6a85f840938888275e1631da96f",
 "hookId": "8c79f60d-0272-476b-b120-6e7629467328",
 "messageId": "bba24947-ab5f-4b33-881b-738fc3a4c9e1",
 "payment": {"account": "79042426915",
             "comment": "Replenishing wallet",
             "commission": {"amount": 0.0, "currency": 643},
             "date": "2018-03-25T13:16:48+03:00",
             "errorCode": "0",
             "personId": 79645265240,
             "provider": 7,
             "signFields": "sum.currency,sum.amount,type,account,txnId",
             "status": "SUCCESS",
             "sum": {"amount": 1.09, "currency": 643},
             "total": {"amount": 1.09, "currency": 643},
             "txnId": "12565018935",
             "type": "IN"},
 "test": false,
 "version": "1.0.0"}

Each notification is an incoming POST-request with single payment data in JSON body. JSON scheme is as followed:

Field Type Description
hookId String (UUID) Unique webhook id
messageId String (UUID) Unique notification id
payment Object Payment data
payment.txnId String QIWI Wallet transaction ID
payment.account String For outgoing payments - recipients account number. For incoming payments - sender number, self-service kiosk number, or top-up agent name
payment.signFields String A list of fields in payment object (separated by comma) to use for HmacSHA256 hash calculation of notification signature (see hash field)
payment.personId Integer Your wallet number String DateTime Payment date/time, in Moscow time zone, as YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss+03:00
payment.errorCode String Payment error code
payment.type String Payment type:
IN - wallet top-up,
OUT - payment
payment.status String Payment status:
WAITING - payment in process,
SUCCESS - successful payment,
ERROR - payment error.
payment.provider Integer Provider ID in QIWI Wallet
payment.comment String Transaction comment
payment.sum Object Payment amount data
---- ---- ---
sum.amount Number(Decimal) Amount
sum.currency Number(3) Currency code
---- ---- ----
payment.commission Object Payment commission
---- ---- ----
commission.amount Number(Decimal) Commission amount
commission.currency Number(3) Currency code
---- ---- ---- Object Total payment amount
---- ---- ----
total.amount Number(Decimal) Amount
total.currency Number(3) Currency code
---- ---- ----
test Boolean Flag indicating test notification
version String Webhook API version
hash String Hash of the notification's digital signature

Notification signature verification {#webhook-signature-verification}

//Procedure returns string of sorted values from notification parameters and signature hash for verification
function getReqParams(){
    //Make sure that it is a POST request.
    if(strcasecmp($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], 'POST') != 0){
        throw new Exception('Request method must be POST!');
    //Receive the RAW post data.
    $content = trim(file_get_contents("php://input"));
    //Attempt to decode the incoming RAW post data from JSON.
    $decoded = json_decode($content, true);
    //If json_decode failed, the JSON is invalid.
        throw new Exception('Received content contained invalid JSON!');
    //Check if test
    if ($decoded['test'] == 'true') {
      throw new Exception('Test!');
    // String of parameters
    $reqparams = $decoded['payment']['sum']['currency'] . '|' . $decoded['payment']['sum']['amount'] . '|'. $decoded['payment']['type'] . '|' . $decoded['payment']['account'] . '|' . $decoded['payment']['txnId'];
    // Signature
    foreach ($decoded as $name=>$value) {
       if ($name == 'hash') {
            $SIGN_REQ = $value;
    return [$reqparams, $SIGN_REQ];
// Resulted data
$Request = getReqParams();
// Base64 encoded key for decryption (method /hook/{hookId}/key)
$NOTIFY_PWD = "JcyVhjHCvHQwufz+IHXolyqHgEc5MoayBfParl6Guoc=";
// Get SHA-256 hash of the string and encrypt with your webhook key
$reqres = hash_hmac("sha256", $Request[0], base64_decode($NOTIFY_PWD));
// Verify signature
if (hash_equals($reqres, $Request[1])) {
    $error = array('response' => 'OK');
else $error = array('response' => 'error');
header('Content-Type: application/json');
$jsonres = json_encode($error);
echo $jsonres;
error_log('error code' . $jsonres);
import base64
import hmac
import hashlib

# Base64 encoded key (get it with /hook/{hookId}/key request)
webhook_key_base64 = 'JcyVhjHCvHQwufz+IHXolyqHgEc5MoayBfParl6Guoc='
# notification parameters
data = '643|1|IN|+79161112233|13353941550'
webhook_key = base64.b64decode(bytes(webhook_key_base64,'utf-8'))
print(, data.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest())

To verify signature of a notification, proceed with the following:

  1. Take values of fields specified in payment.signFields field of the notification JSON (in the same order) as Strings.
  2. Join them with | separator.
  3. Encode the resulted string with SHA-256 and signature key.
  4. Compare obtained value with hash field of the notification.

Example of signature verification (see also PHP procedure on the right tab):

  1. You get signature key, encoded in Base64: JcyVhjHCvHQwufz+IHXolyqHgEc5MoayBfParl6Guoc=
  2. You get notification: {"messageId":"7814c49d-2d29-4b14-b2dc-36b377c76156","hookId":"5e2027d1-f5f3-4ad1-b409-058b8b8a8c22","payment":{"txnId":"13353941550","date":"2018-06-27T13:39:00+03:00","type":"IN","status":"SUCCESS","errorCode":"0","personId":78000008000,"account":"+79161112233","comment":"","provider":7,"sum":{"amount":1,"currency":643},"commission":{"amount":0,"currency":643},"total":{"amount":1,"currency":643},"signFields":"sum.currency,sum.amount,type,account,txnId"},"hash":"76687ffe5c516c793faa46fafba0994e7ca7a6d735966e0e0c0b65eaa43bdca0","version":"1.0.0","test":false}
  3. Join values of the fields specified in signFields field (sum.currency,sum.amount,type,account,txnId):
  4. The obtained string is encoded with SHA-256 and the Base64-decoded key from step 1: f05c4e7bdf00620205d47696d77f924bfd3ba4d02b0398ac8a626e737dc27243 Result coincides with hash field from the notification. The verification is successful.

Webhook service registration {#hook_reg}

Request → PUT

curl -X PUT \
  "" \
  -H "accept: */*" \
  -H "authorization: Bearer <API token>"
PUT /payment-notifier/v1/hooks?hookType=1& HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
User-Agent: ****
  • URL /payment-notifier/v1/hooks?parameter=value


    • Authorization: Bearer ***
    • Accept: application/json
  • Parameters

    Send parameters in the request query. All parameters are required.
Name Type Description
hookType Integer Webhook type. Only 1.
param URL-encoded Service URL. URL original length (before URL-encoding) must be within 100 symbols. URL must be accessible from the Internet.
txnType String Choose type of transactions for notifications:
0 - only incoming transactions (wallet top-up);
1 - only outgoing transactions (payments);
2 - all transactions

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


Response in JSON.

Field Type Description
hookId String Webhook service UUID
hookParameters Object Webhook service parameters
hookParameters.url String Webhook service URL
hookType String Webhook type (only WEB)
txnType String Transactions type for notifications (IN - incoming, OUT - outgoing, BOTH - all)

Remove webhook service registration {#hook_remove}

Request → DELETE

curl -X DELETE \
  "<hook-id>" \
  -H "accept: */*" \
  -H "authorization: Bearer <API token>"
DELETE /payment-notifier/v1/hooks/d63a8729-f5c8-486f-907d-9fb8758afcfc HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
User-Agent: ****
  • URL /payment-notifier/v1/hooks/hookId

    • hookId - webhook UUID

    • Authorization: Bearer ***
    • Accept: application/json

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "response":"Hook deleted"

Response in JSON.

Field Type Description
response String Operation result

Secret key provision {#hook_key}

Each notification contains digital signature encoded by secret key. Use this request to get the key.

Request → GET

curl -X GET \
  "<hook-id>/key" \
  -H "accept: */*" \
  -H "accept: */*" \
  -H "authorization: Bearer <API token>"
GET /payment-notifier/v1/hooks/d63a8729-f5c8-486f-907d-9fb8758afcfc/key HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
User-Agent: ****
  • URL /payment-notifier/v1/hooks/hookId/key

    • hookId — webhook UUID

    • Authorization: Bearer ***
    • Accept: application/json

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json


Response in JSON.

Field Type Description
key String Base64-encoded key

Secret key change {#hook_secret}

Changes the secret key for notifications signature.

Request → POST

curl -X POST \
  "<hook-id>/newkey" \
  -H "accept: */*" \
  -H "authorization: Bearer <API token>"
POST /payment-notifier/v1/hooks/d63a8729-f5c8-486f-907d-9fb8758afcfc/newkey HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
User-Agent: ****
  • URL /payment-notifier/v1/hooks/hookId/newkey

    • hookId - webhook UUID

    • Authorization: Bearer ***
    • Accept: application/json

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json


Response in JSON.

Field Type Description
key String Base64-encoded new key

Webhook service data {#hook_active}

Gets the active webhook service linked to your wallet.

Request → GET

curl -X GET \
  "" \
  -H "accept: */*" \
  -H "accept: */*" \
  -H "authorization: Bearer <API token>"
GET /payment-notifier/v1/hooks/active HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
User-Agent: ****
  • URL /payment-notifier/v1/hooks/active


    • Authorization: Bearer ***
    • Accept: application/json

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


Response in JSON.

Field Type Description
hookId String Active webhook UUID
hookParameters Object Webhook service parameters
hookParameters.url String Webhook URL
hookType String Webhook type (only WEB)
txnType String Transactions type for notifications (IN - incoming (wallet topup), OUT - outgoing (payments), BOTH - all)

Test webhook service {#hook_test}

Use this request to test your webhook service. As a result of the request, empty test notification is sent to the URL of the active webhook service.

Request → GET

curl -X GET \
  "" \
  -H "accept: */*" \
  -H "authorization: Bearer <API token>"
GET /payment-notifier/v1/hooks/test HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
User-Agent: ****
  • URL /payment-notifier/v1/hooks/test


    • Authorization: Bearer ***
    • Accept: application/json

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "response":"Webhook sent"

Response in JSON.

Field Type Description
response String Notification on the request