The mathematical model of the simplified photosynthetic electron transport chain to study non-photochemical quenching and short-term light memory in higher plants. We provide here the code containing differential equations, reaction rates, parameter space and initial conditions used for the simulations, together with the script to reproduce figures included in the corresponding manuscript.
Matuszynska et al. (2016). A mathematical model of non-photochemical quenching to study short-term light memory in plants. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1857:1860–1869
- DataBase/paperdata.db
- visualize fluorescence and NPQ
- methods of retrieving information from teh database
- converts light intensity into light activation rate for specific specie
- light protocols
- pH, pHinv, colors
- rates and equations
- methods for analysis
- dictionary of the parameters
- integration (including steady state analysis)
- contains all packages and instant. objects to run and play with the model from the console
- containd several functions named as fig1, fig4 or figs1, figs2 to reproduce figures from the manuscript with corresponding indexes
All Python packages that are needed in order to run the model are listed in the file requirements.txt and can be installed by running
pip install -r requirements.txt
It was noticed that under some systems LSODA integrator from the scipy.odeint package is not available. This integrator is necessary for a correct computation. Please check if it is available on your system before running the model.
To play with model from the console you can simply run the that imports all necessary modules and creates all objects.
For the internal debbuging information we produce a number of output on the command line. In order to avoid them, we suggest to suppress them by writing all log information to /dev/null.
To obtain similar graph as the Fig. 1 from the manuscript simply run:
$ python
>>> import reproducefigures
>>> r = reproducefigures.ReproduceFigures()
>>> r.fig1b()
To run create your own mutant, for instance without PTOX, you first need to import module with the parameters:
>>> import parameters
>>> p = parameters.NPQmodelParameterSet()
>>> p.kPTOX = 0
>>> m = npqModel.NPQModel(p, 2)
and than call the class than reproduce the figures with new, changed model as an argument
>>> r = reproducefigures.ReproduceFigures(m)