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Qkrisi edited this page Aug 1, 2022 · 3 revisions


public class KMModuleBacking : MonoBehaviour

Visual models of the foam behind modules. Modules that have holes or recesses can have parts of this visible.

public GameObject BackingDeep;

A gameobject to use if RequiresDeepBackingGeometry* is true.

public GameObject BackingNormal;

A gameobject to use if RequiresDeepBackingGeometry* is false.

*RequiresDeepBackingGeometry (in BombComponent) is a boolean value that is unexposed to the modkit. It's used by the Wire Sequence module ingame so the module uses a different, deeper backing to prevent visible clipping when the panel on the module switches, every other module (both vanilla and modded) uses the normal backing unless the value of RequiresDeepBackingGeometry is changed by a mod before the module instantiation. When creating a custom backing, account for this case.

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