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Segmentation fault with TweedieDistribution log_likelihood #628

lorentzenchr opened this issue Apr 7, 2023 · 5 comments · Fixed by #648

Segmentation fault with TweedieDistribution log_likelihood #628

lorentzenchr opened this issue Apr 7, 2023 · 5 comments · Fixed by #648


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import numpy as np
from glum._distribution import TweedieDistribution

td = TweedieDistribution(power=1.5)

    y=np.array([0.1, 0.2], dtype=float),
    mu=np.array([1, 2], dtype=float),

Results in

segmentation fault  ipython

Python 3.9.15
glum: 2.1.2
numpy: 1.23.5
MacOS 13.3, Intel Core i7

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jtilly commented Apr 8, 2023

Thanks for the bug report. Unfortunately, I can't reproduce this. But that doesn't mean that we don't have a bug. I tried in CI and on my M1.

Did you install from conda-forge of from pypi? Could you please provide more details on your environment (e.g., the output from conda list or pip list)?

There aren't really all that many places where this could segfault. Must be somewhere in

def tweedie_log_likelihood(
const_floating1d y,
const_floating1d weights,
const_floating1d mu,
floating p,
floating dispersion,
cdef int i # loop counter
cdef int n = y.shape[0] # loop length
cdef floating ll = 0.0 # output
for i in prange(n, nogil=True):
ll += weights[i] * _tweedie_unit_loglikelihood(y[i], mu[i], p, dispersion)
return ll
cdef floating _tweedie_unit_loglikelihood(floating y, floating mu, floating power, floating dispersion) nogil:
cdef floating kappa, normalization, theta
if y == 0:
return -(mu ** (2 - power)) / (dispersion * (2 - power))
theta = mu ** (1 - power)
kappa = mu * theta / (2 - power)
theta = theta / (1 - power)
normalization = _tweedie_normalization(y, power, dispersion)
return (theta * y - kappa) / dispersion + normalization
cdef floating _tweedie_normalization(floating y, floating power, floating dispersion) nogil:
cdef int j, j_lower, j_upper
cdef floating j_max = exp((2 - power) * log(y) - log(dispersion) - log(2 - power))
cdef floating w_max = _log_w_j(y, power, dispersion, j_max)
cdef floating w_summand = 0.0
j_lower, j_upper = _sum_limits(y, power, dispersion, j_max)
for j in range(j_lower, j_upper + 1):
w_summand += exp(_log_w_j(y, power, dispersion, j) - w_max)
return w_max + log(w_summand) - log(y)
cdef (int, int) _sum_limits(floating y, floating power, floating dispersion, floating j_max) nogil:
cdef floating w_lower
cdef floating j_lower = 1.0
cdef floating j_upper = ceil(j_max)
cdef floating w_upper = _log_w_j(y, power, dispersion, j_upper)
cdef floating w_crt = _log_w_j(y, power, dispersion, j_max) - 37
cdef floating w_one = _log_w_j(y, power, dispersion, 1)
if w_one <= w_crt:
j_lower = floor(j_max)
w_lower = _log_w_j(y, power, dispersion, j_lower)
while w_lower >= w_crt:
j_lower -= 1
w_lower = _log_w_j(y, power, dispersion, j_lower)
while w_upper >= w_crt:
j_upper += 1
w_upper = _log_w_j(y, power, dispersion, j_upper)
return int(j_lower), int(j_upper)
cdef floating _log_w_j(floating y, floating power, floating dispersion, numeric j) nogil:
cdef floating alpha = (2 - power) / (1 - power)
return j * _log_z(y, power, dispersion) - lgamma(1 + j) - lgamma(-alpha * j)
cdef floating _log_z(floating y, floating power, floating dispersion) nogil:
cdef floating alpha = (2 - power) / (1 - power)
return (
alpha * log(power - 1)
- alpha * log(y)
- (1 - alpha) * log(dispersion)
- log(2 - power)

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It is a pip virtualenv.

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Package                       Version
----------------------------- -----------
absl-py                       1.2.0
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executing                     0.8.3
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Pillow                        9.2.0
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PyNaCl                        1.5.0
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jtilly commented Jun 2, 2023

The segfault only occurs on macOS with Intel architecture and when installing from the wheels. The conda builds just work. This looks like something that scikit-learn went through as well, see scikit-learn/scikit-learn#21227 (comment). I used the same "fix" as scikit-learn and pinned llvm-openmp=11 for the build. This is part of our 2.5.2 release.

Feel free to re-open the issue if the problem pops up again.

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Thanks for fixing it!

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lorentzenchr commented Oct 30, 2023

For your information:

  • With glum 2.2.1 to 2.4.0, I get
    TypeError: C function sklearn.utils._cython_blas.__pyx_fuse_0_dot has wrong signature (expected float (int, float *, int, float *, int), got float (int, float const *, int, float const *, int))
  • With glum 2.5.0 and 2.5.1 I get (again)
    zsh: segmentation fault  ipython
  • With glum 2.5.2 and 2.6.0, I get (finally)
    Out[1]: -1.9685325337344186

So it seems, somewhere between version 2.5.1 and 2.5.2, maybe in #648, this bug was solved.

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