PowerShell Library used for Cloud and Chef automation.
Sous-Chef is a PowerShell module offering advanced functions to be reused in scripts, Chef cookbooks or any other tools requiring to execute PowerShell to automate tasks on Windows systems.
By providing those functions into libraries, it avoid situations where developers have to reinvent the wheel to perform common tasks accross scripts and projects. The functions in the module aim to accomplish those goals:
- Wrote as PowerShell advanced functions
- Documented using keywords
- Include error handlings and exceptions
- Can be easily re-used in other works by dot sourcing the libraries
Functions provided in the library:
Function Log-Invocation {
Log a function initialization in Verbose.
This function logs function calls and initialization into verbose pipeline.
Function Set-Log {
Register logging events in the OUTPUT or VERBOSE pipeline.
The function logs strings, variable or objects into the OUTPUT or VERBORSE
pileline of the PowerShell session.
Set-Log -Level 'V1' -String 'Starting script'
Type of indentation used:
V1 '----->'
V2 '==>'
Mesaged to be displayed in the log.
Function Format-TableObject {
Function Format-Verbose {
Register logging events in the OUTPUT or VERBOSE pipeline.
Original implementation by craigmmartin@hotmail.com
Function Get-SessionDrive {
Identify if a drive (local or network) already exists on the system.
This function will verify if a mapped drived or session drive exists on the OS
Get-SessionDrive -Letter 'T'
Letter of the drive to check.
Function Set-SessionDrive {
Set up a network drive on the system.
The function will check if a drive already exists under the letter. If not
it will set it up as either a session or persistent drive.
Establish the network session one of two methods:
1) Persistent, the drive will be mounted on the OS and available to all
2) Non-Persistent Global, the session will be available within PowerShell
Get-SessionDrive -Letter 'T'
Letter of the drive to check.
- 0.1.0 Initial version
- Created the module
- Implemented logging functions
- Implemented SMB network session functions
- Maintainer: QuantumGrizzly
- Git Repository: powershel-sous-chef