Your task is to create two functions, encode and decode that will allow you to encrypt and decrypt a phrase using a key.
The scheme is as follows:
Mechanics of encryption and decryption
- A phrase and a key will be given.
- By using these, the encrypted or decrypted phrase will be generated.
- The mechanism consists of determining the ASCII code of each character of the phrase and the key.
- To calculate offsets of each character of the key has to be add to the length of the key (see example below).
- Only ASCII ranges from 65-90 (uppercase) and 97-122 (lowercase) will be considered (see the picture below).
- Once all the ASCII values have been obtained, a run through of the phrase is performed, adding the offset for each character (see example below).
- The phrase and key will be read simultaneously, so that the first character of the phrase uses the first character of the key and so on.
Important notes
- If the offset moves the ASCII code out of the set ranges it should start in the next range.
For example:
If ASCII code + OFFSET > 122, it should start from 65.
If ASCII code + OFFSET > 90 and < 97, it should start from 97.
The key length will not exceed 17.
The decoding procedure is the opposite of the encryption (see the decryption example below).
If the phrase doesn't exist or is empty return an empty string.
If the key passed doesn't exist or is empty you'll not be able to encrypt the phrase so returns the phrase.
Possible cases:
Phrase length = key length
Nothing should change.
Phrase length > key length
Once the end of the key is reached, the key should start back again at the first character (see the example).
Phrase length < key length
Once the end of the phrase is reached, no more changes should be done.
- LD (Last Digit)
- OFFSET (Last digit + Key length)
- EC (Encrypted Char)
key: "fgh" (length: 3)
| char => ASCII => LD => OFFSET |
| 'f' => 102 => 2 => 2 + 3 = 5 |
| 'g' => 103 => 3 => 3 + 3 = 6 |
| 'h' => 104 => 4 => 4 + 3 = 7 |
phrase: "deargod"
| char => ASCII => ASCII + OFFSET => EC |
| 'd' => 100 => 100 + 5 = 105 => 'i' |
| 'e' => 101 => 101 + 6 = 107 => 'k' |
| 'a' => 97 => 97 + 7 = 104 => 'h' |
| 'r' => 114 => 114 + 5 = 119 => 'w' |
| 'g' => 103 => 103 + 6 = 109 => 'm' |
| 'o' => 111 => 111 + 7 = 118 => 'v' |
| 'd' => 100 => 100 + 5 = 105 => 'i' |
"deargod" + "fgh" = "ikhwmvi"
key: "fgh" (length: 3)
| Char => ASCII => LD => OFFSET |
| 'f' => 102 => 2 => 2 + 3 = 5 |
| 'g' => 103 => 3 => 3 + 3 = 6 |
| 'h' => 104 => 4 => 4 + 3 = 7 |
encryptedPhrase: "ikhwmvi"
| Char => ASCII => ASCII + OFFSET => EC |
| 'i' => 105 => 105 - 5 = 100 => 'd' |
| 'k' => 107 => 107 - 6 = 101 => 'e' |
| 'h' => 104 => 104 - 7 = 97 => 'a' |
| 'w' => 119 => 119 - 5 = 114 => 'r' |
| 'm' => 109 => 109 - 6 = 103 => 'g' |
| 'v' => 118 => 118 - 7 = 111 => 'o' |
| 'i' => 105 => 105 - 5 = 100 => 'd' |
"ikhwmvi" + "fgh" = "deargod"
Kata developed by gonzalorg8799, efrain.vm, and Quathar from metrica_sep23