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Build Instructions

MicahCarrick edited this page Sep 6, 2012 · 4 revisions

Building for Android

We are using a customized version of the Android build script based on Using Ant to build your libgdx project.

Navigate to the android directory.

cd android

Create your for the android project.

android update project --path .

Build a debug APK.

ant debug

Install the APK onto a connected Android device or emulator and launch the main activity.

adb install -r build/agenthon-debug.apk
adb shell am start -n com.quixotix.agenthon/.MainActivity

Building for Desktop

Navigate to the desktop directory.

cd desktop

Run ant compile to compile the project into the bin folder.

ant compile

Run ant run to run the application.

ant run

A distributable jar file with all the dependencies can also be generated in the bin folder using ant dist and then run with the java command.

ant dist
java -jar bin/agenthon.jar
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