expect breaking changes
post here or email robot.control.modules@gmail.com
- ESP32 DevKitC with 38 pins
- Adafruit ESP32s3 QT Py with no psram (#5426)
- Adafruit ESP32s3 QT Py with 2MB psram (#5700)
- ESP32 DevKit with 30 pins (NoU2)
- Alfredo Systems NoU3
- Information about all hardware and software for Robot Control Modules
- JMotor library documentation (documentation for many of the motor control components)
- If you like the web driverstation but prefer to program the robot in C++/Arduino you can add code into RCMv3.ino similarly to RCMv2, though the definitions for pins and ports aren't included.
- 2Hz: enabled
- solid on: disabled but connected
- flashes 1 time per 1.5 seconds: connected to wifi router with previously saved name and password
- flashes 2 times per 1.5 seconds: RCM has created a wifi network with previously saved name and password
- flashes 3 times per 1.5 seconds: RCM has created a wifi network named "http://rcmv3.local" with no password
- pressing then releasing the reset/en button then immediately pressing then holding the IO0 button will force the RCM into this mode (if you forgot the wifi password)
- 10Hz: searching for wifi router on boot
- PlatformIO for compiling
- arduino-esp32
- esptool-js
- ArduinoJson library for using JSON data in Arduino by Benoit Blanchon
- ESPAsyncWebServer web server and web sockets library for ESP32 by @me-no-dev
- Alfredo Systems for making open source libraries for their NoU2 and NoU3 boards
- FastLED library for controlling the RGB led on QT Py
- gobabygocarswithjoysticks/programmer the RCM programmer reuses code from this project for programming ESP32s
- JMotor library for motor control by @joshua-8