This project is a fully realized multi-tenant, multi-user, database application that provides election services to professional societies. It was designed to simulate a real-life application, and it successfully allows for officer elections and ballot initiatives.
We've developed a comprehensive solution for professional societies like ACM and IEEE to host their elections. The application supports the employees of a fictitious software company, American Dream, who create ballots and run reports, as well as the professional society members who log in to cast their votes.
Our application supports four different user roles:
- Professional society members
- Professional society officers
- American Dream employees
- American Dream administrators
Each role has specific permissions and capabilities within the application.
American Dream employees can create customizable ballots for each election, catering to the unique needs of each professional society.
Members and officers of professional societies have tailored access to active and completed elections, with officers having additional visibility into election results.
American Dream administrators have comprehensive control over all societies, including ballot editing access, user account management, and advanced reporting capabilities.
The application is built with a properly architected database and a server application with a minimum of 3 layers. It's hosted in RLES and runs with distribution code, ensuring optimal performance and security.