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Andrew Chapman edited this page Sep 12, 2017 · 2 revisions

Dependencies For Building Library

CMake 3.5 or later

The build infrastructure for hipBLAS is based on Cmake v3.5. This is the version of cmake available on ROCm supported platforms. If you are on a headless machine without the x-windows system, we recommend using ccmake; if you have access to X-windows, we recommend using cmake-gui.

Install one-liners cmake:

  • Ubuntu: sudo apt install cmake-qt-gui
  • Fedora: sudo dnf install cmake-gui

Build Library Using Script (Ubuntu only)

The root of this repository has a helper bash script to build and install hipBLAS on Ubuntu with a single command. It does not take a lot of options and hard-codes configuration that can be specified through invoking cmake directly, but it's a great way to get started quickly and can serve as an example of how to build/install. A few commands in the script need sudo access, so it may prompt you for a password.

  • ./ -h -- shows help
  • ./ -id -- build library, build dependencies and install (-d flag only needs to be passed once on a system)

Build Library Using Individual Commands

mkdir -p [HIPBLAS_BUILD_DIR]/release
cd [HIPBLAS_BUILD_DIR]/release
# Default install location is in /opt/rocm, define -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path> to specify other
# Default build config is 'Release', define -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<config> to specify other
CXX=/opt/rocm/bin/hcc ccmake [HIPBLAS_SOURCE]
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install # sudo required if installing into system directory such as /opt/rocm

Build Library + Tests + Benchmarks + Samples Using Individual Commands

The repository contains source for clients that serve as samples, tests and benchmarks. Clients source can be found in the clients subdir.

Dependencies (only necessary for hipBLAS clients)

The hipBLAS samples have no external dependencies, but our unit test and benchmarking applications do. These clients introduce the following dependencies:

  1. boost
  2. lapack
  • lapack itself brings a dependency on a fortran compiler
  1. googletest

Linux distros typically have an easy installation mechanism for boost through the native package manager.

  • Ubuntu: sudo apt install libboost-program-options-dev
  • Fedora: sudo dnf install boost-program-options

Unfortunately, googletest and lapack are not as easy to install. Many distros do not provide a googletest package with pre-compiled libraries, and the lapack packages do not have the necessary cmake config files for cmake to configure linking the cblas library. hipBLAS provide a cmake script that builds the above dependencies from source. This is an optional step; users can provide their own builds of these dependencies and help cmake find them by setting the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH definition. The following is a sequence of steps to build dependencies and install them to the cmake default /usr/local.

(optional, one time only)

mkdir -p [HIPBLAS_BUILD_DIR]/release/deps
cd [HIPBLAS_BUILD_DIR]/release/deps
ccmake -DBUILD_BOOST=OFF [HIPBLAS_SOURCE]/deps   # assuming boost is installed through package manager as above
make -j$(nproc) install

Once dependencies are available on the system, it is possible to configure the clients to build. This requires a few extra cmake flags to the library cmake configure script. If the dependencies are not installed into system defaults (like /usr/local ), you should pass the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to cmake to help find them.

  • -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="<semicolon separated paths>"
# Default install location is in /opt/rocm, use -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path> to specify other
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install   # sudo required if installing into system directory such as /opt/rocm

Common build problems

  • Issue: HIP (/opt/rocm/hip) was built using hcc, but you are using /opt/rocm/hcc/hcc with version 1.0.yyy-yyy-yyy-yyy from hipcc. (version does not match) . Please rebuild HIP including cmake or update HCC_HOME variable.

    Solution: Download HIP from github and use hcc to build from source and then use the build HIP instead of /opt/rocm/hip one or singly overwrite the new build HIP to this location.

  • Issue: For Carrizo - HCC RUNTIME ERROR: Fail to find compatible kernel

    Solution: Add the following to the cmake command when configuring: -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="--amdgpu-target=gfx801"

  • Issue: For MI25 (Vega10 Server) - HCC RUNTIME ERROR: Fail to find compatible kernel

    Solution: export HCC_AMDGPU_TARGET=gfx900