Ethers.js is a peer dependency so that needs to be installed in the project as well.
npm install @ragetrade/sdk ethers
npx ragetrade
Opens a repl with the rage trade sdk loaded. Also the contracts are exposed as global variables.
ragetrade> sdk.fromQ128('0x0140000000000000000000000000000000')
ragetrade> await sdk.sqrtPriceX96ToPrice('0x03e08db11fa9d95156495b', 6, 18)
import { StaticJsonRpcProvider } from '@ethersproject/providers';
import { core, tricryptoVault } from '@ragetrade/sdk';
const provider = new StaticJsonRpcProvider('arbitrum testnet node url');
// in your code
const { clearingHouse } = await core.getContracts(provider);
const num = await clearingHouse.numAccounts();
console.log(num); // BigNumber { _hex: '0x05', _isBigNumber: true }
console.log(num.toNumber()); // 5
const { curveYieldStrategy } = await tricryptoVault.getContracts(provider);
const tvl = await curveYieldStrategy.vaultMarketValue();
console.log(tvl); // BigNumber
import { core, tricryptoVault } from '@ragetrade/sdk';
// number[]
const accountIds = await getAccountIdsByAddress('0xAddress', 'arbmain');
// prints out all collaterals, token positions, liquidity positions for the account
const accountInfo = await getAccountInfo(2, 'arbmain');
import { getDefaultDataSourceSync, pools, VaultName } from '@ragetrade/sdk';
const ds = getDefaultDataSourceSync(
'arbmain' /* optionally pass in ethers provider or array of ethers providers or data sources */
const prices = await ds.getPrices(pools.arbmain[0].poolId);
// { realPrice: number; virtualPrice: number; realTwapPrice: number; virtualTwapPrice: number; }
const vaultInfo = await ds.getVaultInfo('tricrypto' /* as VaultName */);
// { totalSupply: number; totalAssets: number; assetPrice: number; sharePrice: number; depositCap: number; vaultMarketValue: number; }
import { StaticJsonRpcProvider } from '@ethersproject/providers';
import { Wallet } from '@ethersproject/wallet';
import { core, parseUsdc } from '@ragetrade/sdk';
const provider = new StaticJsonRpcProvider('arbitrum testnet node url');
const signer = new Wallet('private key', provider);
// creating account
const { clearingHouse } = await core.getContracts(signer);
const myAccountNum = await clearingHouse.callStatic.createAccount();
const tx = await clearingHouse.createAccount();
await tx.wait();
import { core, formatUsdc, parseUsdc } from '@ragetrade/sdk';
const { clearingHouse, rBase } = await core.getContracts(signer);
const balance = await rBase.balanceOf(signer.address);
console.log(balance); // BigNumber { _hex: '0x05f5e100', _isBigNumber: true }
console.log(formatUsdc(balance)); // 100.0
const accountNo = 3;
const amount = parseUsdc('10'); // BigNumber { _hex: '0x989680', _isBigNumber: true }
const tx1 = await rBase.approve(clearingHouse.address, amount);
await tx1.wait();
const tx2 = await clearingHouse.addMargin(accountNo, amount);
const collateralTokenId = '0x' + c.rBase.address.slice(34, 42);
await c.clearingHouse.addMargin(3, collateralTokenId, amount);
await tx2.wait();
await rageTradeFactory.connect(w).initializePool({
deployVTokenParams: {
vTokenName: 'vWETH2',
vTokenSymbol: 'vWETH2',
rTokenDecimals: 18,
rageTradePoolInitialSettings: {
initialMarginRatio: 20000,
maintainanceMarginRatio: 10000,
twapDuration: 60,
whitelisted: false,
oracle: '0x7DC0A2fE40a77DD435B0AE260320E5C58c12557a',
liquidityFeePips: 500,
protocolFeePips: 500,
import { core, generateTimelockSchedule } from '@ragetrade/sdk';
const { clearingHouse, timelock } = await core.getContracts(signer);
// single
const schedule = await generateTimelockSchedule(timelock, [
// batch
const schedule = await generateTimelockSchedule(timelock, [