This repository has two main components:
- Aggregate table framework for generating aggregate tables.
- Reporting framework for generating reports from those aggregate tables.
To build the aggregate tables issue the following commands:
make clean
make aggregate_tables
Alternatively, make debug can be used to build aggregate tables from a subset of rows from each data source. This is useful for data sources that involve long-running queries. Specify debug mode as follows:
make clean
make debug
Both forms call aggregate_tables.R, which creates tables described in aggregate_tables.json using the indicator calculation functions in indicator_functions.R.
How does one add an indicator? aggregate_tables.json contains a list of tables to be created. Each element in the list is a dictionary with four pairs:
- The name of the database where the table will be made.
- The name of the table to be made.
- The variables to group the aggregation by. For instance, in the monthly table aggregation is grouped by domain, user, and month.
- A list of components that will be merged together to build the final table.
Each component has two key-value pairs:
- The name of the table where the data for this component is pulled.
- The columns to be created.
Here is an example configuration:
"table": "aggregate_monthly_interactions",
"by": ["domain", "user_id", "month.index"],
"components": [
"table": "interactions",
"columns": {
"column1": "date_first_visit",
"column2": "date_last_visit"
"table": "device_logs",
"columns": {
"column3": "nrow"
This will create a new table called aggregate_monthly_interactions
with three columns.
will be the date of the first visit a user performed in the month.
will be the date of the last visit a user performed in the month.
will count the number of device logs recorded in a month for a given user.
Notice that the key for each column is the name of the column
where that indicator will be stored, the value for each column is the
R function to be called on each block of data. To modularize the code
a bit, we have moved custom indicator functions into
indicator_functions.R. Here is
the definition of date_first_visit
date_first_visit <- function(x) min(x$visit_date, na.rm=TRUE)
This function takes a data.frame x
and returns the minimum value of
the visit_date
column of x
. So, adding an indicator always
requires modifying aggregate_tables.json
and if the necessary R function to calculate the indicator does not
exist then it must be added to
Report modules produce one or more PDF reports. Report modules for a run are specified in config_run.json, along with options like split-bys and report dates.
test_report.R is an example report module.
The script reports.R reads the config file, sets up variables (including filtering domains and returning a list of domains to include in the report run) and runs the report modules specified in the config. Each report module should return a list of file names (full paths) specifying the individual pdfs it has written to tmp_pdf_report_dir. Once all report modules have run, these are collated into a single pdf in reports.R, using
Report modules should provide a render function that returns a list of pdf files (full paths) generated in the report module. The render function should be defined as follows:
render <- function (db,domains_for_run,report_options,tmp_report_pdf_dir)