we do it for #dataSci tech lulz :)
If you are looking for a vuejs quickie of this viz, I got you! :)
See this codepen: https://codepen.io/TarasNovak/full/prZmqY
The idea for this Venn diagram pics generator project came from sourcing a number of ineteresting posts from the data science community: new data scientist position posted, articles shared on medium, kdnuggets or elsewhere, and heavy use and abuse of Venn Diagrams pics for that purpose.
As a data viz specialist and practitioner, I've had it! A few other creative types decided if we can't beat them, we should join them, and create one stop shop app for you to gen those Venn Diagrams about what you fancy, and what unicorn intersection you are trying to find FTW.
Thus, the Venn Diagram generator idea was born:
Ideally, we'd like to create an app for you to gen Venn Diagrams like this:
or how to make your pancakes:
Best bg story on how we ended up here is on kdnuggets:
Also get to know 42 V's of data science. Fun read:
Demonstrate custom Angular 4, SVG, and Material UI CSS mini-app setup best practices from start to finish with micro commits in a few days or so.
Also, the boilerplate angular4 jasmine tests are still passing. It's a good sign. I'll double down on that part for the topic list view model type in day 2 of dev. One must have tests! for good karma and all :)
- ✓ add delete topic option
- ✓ add move topic up/down options for reordering diagram topics
- ✓ add inline topic name editor
- ✓ add diagram view model topic list updates tests
- ✓ add custom responsive material UI CSS setup for the app title bar, view content/cards, footer, etc.
- ✓ add inline diagram name/title editor functionality
- ✓ split monolithic Angular 4 prototype app component into separate app header/footer, topic list, and actual venn diagram components
- ✓ set up a half ass decent 2 cols layot for topic list and diagram view comp.
- ✓ deploy to https://venn-diagrams.herokuapp.com for topic list test on mobile and UI layout preview
- ✓ switch to this 2 cols layout for mobile: https://codepen.io/mor10/pen/QvmLpd
- ✓ stub out the actual Venn diagram SVG view component to render diagram topics. Use this code block: http://bl.ocks.org/bycoffe/3404776
Latest with Augury:
Blank app canvas for that Venn D SVG render:)
7-6-2017: Latest with funky colors and some app UI tips on heroku: https://venn-diagrams.herokuapp.com/
I'll add random circles/ellipses layout just for fun next.
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.0.1.
Run ng serve
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The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
Run ng generate component component-name
to generate a new component.
You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|module
Run ng build
to build the project.
Build artifacts will be stored in the dist/
Use the -prod
flag for a production build.
Run ng test
to execute the unit tests via Karma.
Run ng e2e
to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.
Before running the tests make sure you are serving the app via ng serve
To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help
or see Angular CLI README (https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/blob/master/README.md).
Run ng set --global packageManager=yarn
to use Yarn package manager
A bunch of good tech reads I used for building this mini-app.
- Good writeup on #angular 4 comps comms via Input/Output, beyond simple string msg passing example :)
- For a more robust solution via RJXS Observable Service see:
- How to deploy Angular 4 web app with Express to heroku:
- Decent no frills responsive html5/css3 2 cols layout setup for desktop and mobile browsers:
- How to vertically align inline-blocks (used for stroke/fill color boxes setup):
- Placing SVG elements around a circle d3 code block:
- How to Export SVG d3 data viz to Png or Jpeg:
- Exact and Approximate Area-proportinal Circular Venn and Euler Diagrams whitepaper:
- All you can eat DataScience VennDiagrams on Bing for this proj. research reference: