This demo is made by Wang Lipeng and CHE Yulin from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Feel free to give this repo a star if you like it.
intel intrinsics guide: see https://software.intel.com/sites/landingpage/IntrinsicsGuide/
bechmarking CPU info: see src/playground, using single-thread
/ | type |
input | form body |
output | dubbo package |
algorithms | elapsed time |
serial transform time | 380 ms |
sse4 transform time | 240 ms |
avx2 transform time | 90 ms |
- workaround for
(requiring bmi) in sse4 (handle 16bits currently, else modify zero if-sentence)
inline int __tzcnt_u32_using_popcnt_cmpeq(unsigned int x) {
int ret_cnt = 0;
int half_bits = x & (0xff);
if (half_bits == 0) {
half_bits = (x >> 8) & (0xff);
ret_cnt = 8;
__m128i pivot_u = _mm_set1_epi16(half_bits);
__m128i inspected_ele = _mm_set_epi16(
0xff, 0x7f, 0x3f, 0x1f, 0xf, 0x7, 0x3, 0x1);
__m128i trunc_pivot_u = _mm_and_si128(pivot_u, inspected_ele);
__m128i pivot_new = _mm_set1_epi16(0);
__m128i cmp_res = _mm_cmpeq_epi16(trunc_pivot_u, pivot_new);
int mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(cmp_res); // 16 bits
ret_cnt += _mm_popcnt_u32(mask) >> 1;
return ret_cnt;
- idea: advance with simd cmp and tzcnt
// 1st: advance fo find first '='
while (true) {
__m128i pivot_u = _mm_set1_epi8('=');
__m128i inspected_ele = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *) (str + i));
__m128i cmp_res = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(pivot_u, inspected_ele);
int mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(cmp_res); // 16 bits
int advance = (mask == 0 ?
16 : __tzcnt_u32_using_popcnt_cmpeq(mask));
i += advance;
if (advance < 16) { break; }
off[next] = i;
base64 encoding includes 1) unpacking and 2) ascii translation (to)
base64 decoding includes 1) ascii translation (from) and 2) packing
the translation table
base64 | ascii-dec | ascii-hex | offset (diff) |
0-25 | 65-90 | 0x41-0x5a | 65 |
26-51 | 97-122 | 0x61-0x7a | 71 |
52-61 | 48-57 | 0x30-0x39 | -4 |
62 | 43, i.e., '+' | 0x2b | -19 |
63 | 47, i.e., '/' | 0x2f | -16 |
others | invalid | invalid | invalid |
ascii code to base64 translation vectorization (simplified)
// attention: each SIMD lane is 128-bits
const __m256i lut_roll = _mm256_setr_epi8(
0, 16, 19, 4, -65, -65, -71, -71,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 16, 19, 4, -65, -65, -71, -71,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
const __m256i mask_2F = _mm256_set1_epi8(0x2f);
// 1st: shift right for 4 32bit-wise-elements in each SIMD lane
// shift to get high 4bits
__m256i hi_nibbles = _mm256_srli_epi32(str, 4);
// 2nd: cmpeq to distinguish 0x2f ('/') from 0x2b ('+')
// when the byte is 0x2f, the result byte in eq_2F is 0xff (-1)
const __m256i eq_2F = _mm256_cmpeq_epi8(str, mask_2F);
// 3rd: add -1 when the byte is 0x2f,
// lookup lut_roll for offsets to add, shuffling in each SIMD Lane
// shuffling using the previous high 4-bits in the byte (see 1st step)
const __m256i roll = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(lut_roll,
_mm256_add_epi8(eq_2F, hi_nibbles));
// 4th: add offsets
str = _mm256_add_epi8(str, roll);
- implementations
benchmark main file: src/playground/test_serialization.cpp
algorithms | link |
naive-comp | src/naive_base64/naive_base64.cpp |
naive-lookup | src/naive_base64/naive_base64.cpp |
chromium | src/fast_base64/chromiumbase64.c |
fast-avx2 | src/fast_base64/fastavxbase64.c |
- measure: we report TPS (throughput including both serialization and deserialization time)
algorithms | idea |
naive-comp | ascii-base64 translation using computations |
naive-lookup | ascii-base64 translation using two look-up tables |
chromium | use separate lookup tables for saving some computations |
fast-avx2 | apply avx2, and serial fallback using chromium |
- message len 200
algorithms | TPS-total | TPS-serializtion | TPS-deserializtion |
naive_comp | 201.448 MB/s | 467.150 MB/s | 354.179 MB/s |
naive_lookup | 490.444 MB/s | 1080.221 MB/s | 898.286 MB/s |
chromium | 493.397 MB/s | 1039.237 MB/s | 939.390 MB/s |
avx2_chromium | 887.260 MB/s | 1838.769 MB/s | 1714.608 MB/s |
- message len 80
algorithms | TPS-total | TPS-serializtion | TPS-deserializtion |
naive_comp | 149.235 MB/s | 288.609 MB/s | 309.029 MB/s |
naive_lookup | 394.224 MB/s | 740.423 MB/s | 843.135 MB/s |
chromium | 409.404 MB/s | 725.954 MB/s | 938.900 MB/s |
avx2_chromium | 556.984 MB/s | 974.215 MB/s | 1300.531 MB/s |
- message len 50
algorithms | TPS-total | TPS-serializtion | TPS-deserializtion |
naive_comp | 115.787 MB/s | 218.357 MB/s | 246.493 MB/s |
naive_lookup | 330.488 MB/s | 598.695 MB/s | 737.719 MB/s |
chromium | 335.035 MB/s | 595.675 MB/s | 765.698 MB/s |
avx2_chromium | 385.963 MB/s | 656.360 MB/s | 936.887 MB/s |