This website is mainly a Dentist Doctor Apponitment website. You can see some information, location, services & contact form in home page. You can appointment for desire doctor & his available time slot. Users can see their appointment & also can delete their appointment also. Users can pay for his appointment with any credit card. In this website, have a admin dashboard. Admin can add, update or delete doctors. Admin also can make a admin as well. Admin can show all appointment & payment status. He can delete appointment which are not complete his payment.
Admin access: Email: pass: 123456
- Using Email Password login & registration system in this project.
- Also using Google login & registration system in this project.
- Implement admin panel to make user to admin.
- Protecting the appointment & Dashboard as though without login can't access this page.
- In Home page, there are 8 sections, those are: Banner, Info, Services, Appointment Info, Summary, Reviews, Contact & Footer.
- In Appointment page, Users can show some information of appointment & have a button named Book Appointment.
- After clicking Book Appointment button, You will show a modal in this page if you are log in otherwise you will redircet in login page.
- In this page, have some information & a book button for booking.
- In Dashboard section, User can see My appointments, My Reviews & My History options.
- In My appointments page, Users can see their appointments and payment option.
- User can pay with any international credit cards and after payment users can see his transaction id.
- In Dashboard section, Admin can see All users, Manage Doctors, Add a Doctor options.
- In My All Users page, Admin can make a user as admin.
- In My Manage DOctors page, Admin can see all doctors. Admin can delete doctor.
- In Add a Docotor page, Admin can add dortor one by one.
- Using Local Storage to store & get accesstoken.
- Using Tailwind & Daisy UI for Responsive Design.
- Using React-Query for fetching data.
- Using Firebase for authentication & hosting.
- Using React-Firebase-Hooks for implement full authentication system.
- Using React-Router-DOM for routing.
- Using React-Toastify for showing simple Toast message in this website.