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Multithreaded & Asynchronous Spring Boot and Java 8 based REST implementation for counting the images in the given Urls

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Url Image Count Service

This repo contains working code for a Url Image Count service (SpringBoot with Java8).

There are two different implementations provided in this application.

Implementation I (for Live Urls)

  • In this implementation the application provides a REST API (/v1/imagecount) that will accept a list of live URLs as JSON input. This call would return a Job Id immediately after invoked.
  • The application’s back-end would then get the html contents for each URL and then count the total number of images found in that content by parsing the <img src="" > tag using regular expression. This would be done asynchronously.
  • The application also provides another REST API (v1/imagecount/jobId/{jobId}) with a Job ID as path parameter.
    • This API will return a JSON response with the number of images found in the contents of each URL supplied for that job id.
    • The total image count for each url content will be displayed if that particular url request is completed
    • Otherwise the status 'Pending' will be displayed
  • The urls in the request payload could be any live urls.
  • This implementation uses Executor interface for multithreading and CompletableFuture for asynchronous programming for processing the urls, parsing and counting the images.

Implementation II (for Demo Urls)

  • This implementation provides the REST endpoint (/v1/imagecount/demourl) that will accept a list of demo urls as JSON input. This call would also return a Job Id immediately after invoked.
  • For the purpose of demonstration this application also contains REST API for providing the demo Url contents. The contents available thro' the uri's '/v1/url1/image, /v1/url2/image and /v1/url3/image'. The response of these urls are not html contents. They are JSON response with tags.
  • The same REST endpoint (v1/imagecount/jobId/{jobId}) with a Job ID as path parameter can be used to retrieve the job details.
    • This will also return a JSON response with the number of images found in the contents of each URL supplied for that job id.
    • The total image count for each url content will be displayed if that particular url request is completed
    • Otherwise the status 'Pending' will be displayed
  • The urls in the request payload could be any of the three demo (url1, url2, url3) urls.
  • This one uses @Async of Spring for url processing and the image count.

Project Features

  • Multithreaded & Asynchronous Spring Boot and Java 8 based REST implementation
  • Layered approach
  • Dependency Injection using Spring
  • Input data and Service validation
  • Testing
    • Unit Testing
    • Curl
    • Postman

Technology Stack

Description Tool/Framework
Java version JDK 1.8
JAX-RS Implementation Spring Boot
IDE IntelliJ IDEA 14
Build tool Gradle
Platform iOS

Application Design

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UrlImageCount Service Resources

Resource Type Resource URI HTTP Method
Create a Job (for Live Urls) /v1/imagecount POST
Create a Job (for Demo Urls) /v1/imagecount/demourl POST
Get a Job Detail /v1/imagecount/jobId/{jobId} GET
Get Url1 content /v1/url1/image GET
Get Url2 content /v1/url2/image GET
Get Url3 content /v1/url3/image GET

Project Setup

Service Setup

  • Clone/fork this Repo and open/import this Project into IntelliJ or Eclipse
  • Open a Terminal window and go to the project directory, 'url-imagecount-service'
  • Build/Package the project using 'gradle build' command (use gradle build -x test to skip the test)
  • Start SpringBoot application using 'java -jar build/libs/imagecount-service-0.1.0.jar' command
  • Test the server by http://localhost:8080/v1/imagecount/jobId/1. This may display {"errorMessage":"JobId 1 is not found"}, as you have not created any Job already.
  • For a quick deployment you can use the shared imagecount-service-0.1.0.jar file, in case you didn't have time or ran into any issues.
    • Simply go to the root folder and run the command 'java -jar build/libs/imagecount-service-0.1.0.jar'

How to Consume/Test the Resources

There are 2 ways you can consume these resources. They are by using Postman, and Curl command.

Using Postman

The resources can be consumed by using below Postman collection

For Live Urls

Create A Job for Live Url Image Count processing

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Retrive A Job Detail which is Pending for some Live Url

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Retrive A Job Detail which is fully completed for Live Url

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For Demo Urls

Create A Job for Demo Url Image Count processing

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Retrive A Job Detail which is Pending for some Demo Url

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Retrive A Job Detail which is fully completed for Demo Url

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Demo Service Urls

Retrieve Url1 content

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Retrieve Url2 content

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Retrieve Url3 content

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Retrieve Job Detail - Invalid Job Id

If the JobId is not available then an error message will be displayed

    "errorMessage": "JobId 11 is not found"

Using Curl command

We can test the resources using below Curl command. The data files are available in the root folder [liveurl_requestX.json or demourl_requestX.json]

Please make sure that the Application is running before running this command.

Create a Job (HTTP POST call)

  • Command: You can try with different data file (demourl_request2.json, demourl_request3.json)
    curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST -d @demourl_request1.json http://localhost:8080/v1/imagecount/demourl
  • response

Retrieve a Job (HTTP GET call)

  • Command: curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X GET http://localhost:8080/v1/imagecount/jobId/1
  • Response
    "jobId": "1",
    "imageCountUrls": [
        "url": "http://localhost:8080/v1/url1/image",
        "imageCount": "60"
        "url": "http://localhost:8080/v1/url2/image",
        "imageCount": "130"
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": "http://localhost:8080/v1/imagecount/jobId/1"
      "update": {
        "href": "http://localhost:8080/v1/imagecount/jobId/1"
      "delete": {
        "href": "http://localhost:8080/v1/imagecount/jobId/1"

Unit Tests

The unit tests are added mainly for Controller, and Service layers. These tests will be run as part of the 'gradle build' command


Multithreaded & Asynchronous Spring Boot and Java 8 based REST implementation for counting the images in the given Urls







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