Welcome to Quiz-Game. It contains an idea that is implemented using C++ language. It is a colsole game that is made using basic structures of C++ without using OOPs concept.
The idea is to create a game that has following steps:
- Option to choose the genre of questions you want to answer.
- 5-Quiz questions that you have to attend out of which you have to answer correctly at least 3. (3/5)
- You will be directed to Three game options, you have to choose 1 to play.
- After you are done with the game you will be redirected to the the quiz again.
- Again you'll have to attend the 5 questions and the loop continues.
- It's okay if you don't know the answer, you'll be provided with an answer after the question is attempted.
There are 20 Literature questions and you can chose which genre from you want to play the quiz part. You get to attenmt 5 queations each round and then get to play different games.
There are 20 Mathematics questions and you can chose which genre from you want to play the quiz part. There are easy to solve maths questions solving them leads to some game options.
There are 20 Indian Culture questions and you can chose which genre from you want to play the quiz part. It contains basic Indian culture questions that people should know.
There are 20 Indian Culture questions and you can chose which genre from you want to play the quiz part.
One of the games the user can be directed to is the snake game. After answering the quiz qestions correctly, you can chose to play the snake game.
The second game involved is the brick game. We have to break all the bricks to win the game.
The third game involved is the ping pong game. We can play until we miss the ball.