Simple cli that allows the send python code to RedisGears
pip install gears-cli
pip install git+
> gears-cli --help
Usage: gears-cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
export-requirements Export requirements from RedisGears
import-requirements Import requirements to RedisGears
install-requirements Install give requirements
run Run gears function
> gears-cli run --help
Usage: gears-cli run [OPTIONS] FILEPATH [EXTRA_ARGS]...
Run gears function
--host TEXT Redis host to connect to
--port INTEGER Redis port to connect to
--user TEXT Redis acl user
--password TEXT Redis password
--ssl BOOLEAN Use ssl
--ssl-password TEXT Passphrase for ssl key
--ssl-keyfile TEXT Path to ssl key file
--ssl-certfile TEXT Path to ssl certificate file
--ssl-ca-certs TEXT Path to ssl ca certificate file
--ssl-verify-ca BOOLEAN Whether or not to us CA to verify certs
--requirements TEXT Path to requirements.txt file
--help Show this message and exit.
> gears-cli export-requirements --help
Usage: gears-cli export-requirements [OPTIONS]
Export requirements from RedisGears
--host TEXT Redis host to connect to
--port INTEGER Redis port to connect to
--user TEXT Redis acl user
--password TEXT Redis password
--ssl BOOLEAN Use ssl
--ssl-password TEXT Passphrase for ssl key
--ssl-keyfile TEXT Path to ssl key file
--ssl-certfile TEXT Path to ssl certificate file
--ssl-ca-certs TEXT Path to ssl ca certificate file
--ssl-verify-ca BOOLEAN Whether or not to us CA to verify certs
--save-directory TEXT Directory for exported files
--output-prefix TEXT Prefix for the requirement zip file
--registration-id TEXT Regisrations ids to extract their requirements
--requirement TEXT Requirement to export
--all Export all requirements
--help Show this message and exit.
> gears-cli import-requirements --help
Usage: gears-cli import-requirements [OPTIONS] [REQUIREMENTS]...
Import requirements to RedisGears
--host TEXT Redis host to connect to
--port INTEGER Redis port to connect to
--user TEXT Redis acl user
--password TEXT Redis password
--ssl BOOLEAN Use ssl
--ssl-password TEXT Passphrase for ssl key
--ssl-keyfile TEXT Path to ssl key file
--ssl-certfile TEXT Path to ssl certificate file
--ssl-ca-certs TEXT Path to ssl ca certificate file
--ssl-verify-ca BOOLEAN Whether or not to us CA to verify certs
--requirements-path TEXT Path of requirements directory containing
requirements zip files, could also be a zip file
contains more requirements zip files
--all Import all requirements in zip file
--bulk-size INTEGER Max bulk size to send to redis in MB
--help Show this message and exit.
> gears-cli install-requirements --help
Usage: gears-cli install-requirements [OPTIONS] [REQUIREMENTS]...
Install give requirements
--host TEXT Redis host to connect to
--port INTEGER Redis port to connect to
--user TEXT Redis acl user
--password TEXT Redis password
--ssl BOOLEAN Use ssl
--ssl-password TEXT Passphrase for ssl key
--ssl-keyfile TEXT Path to ssl key file
--ssl-certfile TEXT Path to ssl certificate file
--ssl-ca-certs TEXT Path to ssl ca certificate file
--ssl-verify-ca BOOLEAN Whether or not to us CA to verify certs
--requirements-file TEXT Path to requirements.txt file
--help Show this message and exit.