Provides a hacky workaround to force a task to @spawn on an available background thread (except if nthreads() == 1
This package becomes obsolete once Julia allows to define where a task is allowed to spawn.
@spawn_background expr
will spawn a Task on another thread, automatically retrying until it spawns somewhere that's not taskid == 1
Running Julia with 8 threads: export JULIA_NUM_THREADS=8
julia> using DevilSpawn
julia> Threads.nthreads()
julia> for _ in 1:6
@spawn_background begin @info "Blocking thread $(Threads.threadid())" ; while true end end
[ Info: Blocking thread 7
[ Info: Blocking thread 4
[ Info: Blocking thread 8
[ Info: Blocking thread 2
[ Info: Blocking thread 6
[ Info: Blocking thread 3
# Threads 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 are now blocked with a long-running task without yield points.
# The main thread 1 is never blocked.
# The next call is guaranteed to run on thread 5, since it is the only available one:
julia> @spawn_background (@info "Blocking thread $(Threads.threadid())" ; while true end)
[ Info: Blocking thread 5
Task (runnable) @0x000000010e2fb610
# Consecutive @spawn_background calls don't have any effect until another thread becomes available again,
# but *crucially*, the REPL remains responsive, while the task waits for a thread:
julia> @spawn_background (@info "Blocking thread $(Threads.threadid())" ; while true end)
Task (runnable) @0x0000000110870910
julia> println("🎉")